Russia National Government Debt, 2009 – 2024 (2024)

Consolidated Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: SB: Novosibirsk Region (RUB mn) 361,088.581 Dec 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Dec 2023 Consolidated Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: SB: Omsk Region (RUB mn) 309,101.012 Dec 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Dec 2023 Consolidated Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: SB: Tomsk Region (RUB mn) 341,826.974 Dec 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Dec 2023 Consolidated Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: Far East Federal District (FE) (RUB mn) 1,535,760.724 Dec 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Dec 2023 Consolidated Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: FE: Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) (RUB mn) 428,665.416 Dec 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Dec 2023 Consolidated Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: FE: Kamchatka Territory (RUB mn) 49,910.861 Dec 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Dec 2023 Consolidated Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: FE: Primorsky Territory (RUB mn) 250,842.288 Dec 2023 monthly Jan 1996 - Dec 2023 Russia Federal Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date (RUB mn) 11,025.324 Jul 2022 monthly Jan 1997 - Jul 2022 Federal Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: CF: Vladimir Region (RUB mn) 23,309.100 May 2022 monthly Jan 1997 - May 2022 Federal Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: Central Federal District (CF) (RUB mn) 1,004,959.400 May 2022 monthly Jan 1997 - May 2022 Federal Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: CF: Belgorod Region (RUB mn) 34,255.000 May 2022 monthly Jan 1997 - May 2022 Federal Govt Tax Revenue: Year to Date: CF: Bryansk Region (RUB mn) 12,630.200 May 2022 monthly Jan 1997 - May 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date (RUB bn) 9,372.846 Jun 2022 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2022 Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Excise Tax: on Goods Produced in R... (RUB bn) 521.414 Jun 2022 quarterly Sep 1995 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Debt for Cancelled Taxes (RUB bn) 0.013 Jun 2022 quarterly Mar 2005 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Tax on Aggregated Income (RUB bn) 510.177 Jun 2022 quarterly Mar 2005 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Tax on Profits of Organizat... (RUB bn) 2,951.500 Jun 2022 quarterly Sep 1995 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow State and Municipal Propert... (RUB bn) 261.076 Jun 2022 quarterly Dec 1997 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Income Tax (RUB bn) 2,355.766 Jun 2022 quarterly Sep 1995 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Property Tax (RUB bn) 670.652 Jun 2022 quarterly Dec 1997 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Payments for the Use of Nat... (RUB bn) 27.916 Jun 2022 quarterly Mar 2005 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Expenditure: Year to Date (RUB bn) 8,208.035 Jun 2022 quarterly Mar 1993 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Value Added Tax: on Goods, ... (RUB bn) 0.047 Jun 2022 quarterly Sep 1995 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Tax for Natural Resources U... (RUB bn) 66.515 Jun 2022 quarterly Mar 2002 - Jun 2022 Russia Regional Government Revenue: Year to Date: ow Entrepreneurial Activity In... (RUB bn) 0.000 Dec 2017 quarterly Mar 2005 - Dec 2017 Russia Regional Government Expenditure: Year to Date: ow General Government (RUB bn) 443.235 Jun 2022 quarterly Mar 2005 - Jun 2022 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Voronezh Region (RUB mn) 190,968.548 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Russia Regional Government Revenue (RUB mn) 17,546,324.333 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Ryazan Region (RUB mn) 92,085.609 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Tula Region (RUB mn) 131,264.637 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Kursk Region (RUB mn) 112,884.672 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: North Caucasian Federal District (NC): Republic of ... (RUB mn) 185,900.004 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SF: Krasnodar Territory (RUB mn) 452,626.846 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Kaliningrad Region (RUB mn) 141,569.219 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Republic of Komi (RUB mn) 118,579.144 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Pskov Region (RUB mn) 55,096.910 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Ulyanovsk Region (RUB mn) 92,648.361 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NC: Republic of Northern Osetia Alania (RUB mn) 51,424.571 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Republic of Marii El (RUB mn) 55,162.114 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Orenburg Region (RUB mn) 161,941.837 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Republic of Chuvashia (RUB mn) 85,336.679 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Ivanovo Region (RUB mn) 71,459.398 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Lipetsk Region (RUB mn) 127,729.956 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: Central Federal District (CF): Belgorod Region (RUB mn) 184,232.558 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Yaroslavl Region (RUB mn) 109,227.226 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: FE: Kamchatka Territory (RUB mn) 115,359.694 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Smolensk Region (RUB mn) 71,790.889 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Republic of Buryatia (RUB mn) 105,771.933 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Novosibirsk Region (RUB mn) 280,439.753 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: UF: Khanty Mansiysky Area (RUB mn) 336,818.411 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Zabaikalsk Territory (RUB mn) 113,925.096 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Arkhangelsk Region (RUB mn) 134,048.008 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Leningrad Region (RUB mn) 208,061.426 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: City of St Petersburg (RUB mn) 846,022.660 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NC: Republic of Ingushetia (RUB mn) 39,571.192 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SF: Astrakhan Region (RUB mn) 76,267.664 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NC: Chechen Republic (RUB mn) 138,140.383 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Republic of Mordovia (RUB mn) 66,107.337 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Perm Territory (RUB mn) 249,384.419 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: Ural Federal District (UF): Kurgan Region (RUB mn) 67,893.073 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: FE: Magadan Region (RUB mn) 57,680.571 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Penza Region (RUB mn) 88,691.439 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Bryansk Region (RUB mn) 94,310.852 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Kaluga Region (RUB mn) 101,164.807 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Republic of Tyva (RUB mn) 53,498.187 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Moscow Region (RUB mn) 927,292.113 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Krasnoyarsk Territory (RUB mn) 464,956.985 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Tambov Region (RUB mn) 71,152.215 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: City of Moscow (RUB mn) 3,349,408.012 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: UF: Yamalo Nenetsky Area (RUB mn) 285,091.325 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: FE: Primorsky Territory (RUB mn) 199,109.126 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Omsk Region (RUB mn) 146,601.048 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: Southern Federal District (SF): Republic of Adygea (RUB mn) 40,473.651 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: FE: Sakhalin Region (RUB mn) 187,448.137 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Murmansk Region (RUB mn) 141,990.178 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Nenetsky Area (RUB mn) 31,124.255 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SF: Volgograd Region (RUB mn) 165,084.830 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Kirov Region (RUB mn) 98,046.317 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NC: Republic of Kabardino Balkaria (RUB mn) 57,219.112 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Vladimir Region (RUB mn) 109,213.173 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Orel Region (RUB mn) 56,301.156 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Tver Region (RUB mn) 108,471.839 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: CF: Kostroma Region (RUB mn) 53,943.150 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NC: Stavropol Territory (RUB mn) 184,895.082 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Republic of Tatarstan (RUB mn) 410,945.831 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: North Western Federal District (NW): Republic of Ka... (RUB mn) 80,993.619 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Samara Region (RUB mn) 306,133.621 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SF: Rostov Region (RUB mn) 299,339.877 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Vologda Region (RUB mn) 159,397.388 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SF: Republic of Kalmykia (RUB mn) 23,496.198 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: UF: Chelyabinsk Region (RUB mn) 320,817.263 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Irkutsk Region (RUB mn) 291,266.789 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: UF: Sverdlovsk Region (RUB mn) 427,622.455 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Republic of Khakassia (RUB mn) 54,124.206 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NC: Republic of Karachaevo Cherkessia (RUB mn) 38,918.646 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: NW: Novgorod Region (RUB mn) 62,645.274 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Saratov Region (RUB mn) 168,373.634 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: SB: Tomsk Region (RUB mn) 99,721.777 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: Volga Region Federal District (VR): Republic of Bas... (RUB mn) 290,224.429 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021 Regional Government Revenue: VR: Nizhny Novgorod Region (RUB mn) 288,163.678 2021 yearly 1992 - 2021
Russia National Government Debt, 2009 – 2024 (2024)


Russia National Government Debt, 2009 – 2024? ›

Russia National Government Debt reached 281.6 USD bn in Feb 2024, compared with 287.8 USD bn in the previous month. Russia National Government Debt data is updated monthly, available from May 2009 to Feb 2024. The data reached an all-time high of 384.2 USD bn in Jun 2022 and a record low of 86.1 USD bn in May 2009.

What is the government debt in Russia in 2024? ›

In the latest reports, Russia National Government Debt reached 281.6 USD bn in Feb 2024. The country's Nominal GDP reached 494.7 USD bn in Mar 2023.

What was Russia's debt in 1990? ›

By the end of 1990, the gross hard-currency debt of the Soviet Union was some $55 billion. Soviet net debt (gross debt minus hard-currency deposits in Western banks) was about $46 bil- lion. During the first quarter of 1990, both net and gross debts continued to expand rapidly.

What country has the highest national debt? ›

Profiles of Select Countries by National Debt
  • Japan. Japan has the highest percentage of national debt in the world at 259.43% of its annual GDP. ...
  • United States. ...
  • China. ...
  • Russia.

How much is China's national debt? ›

China: National debt from 2019 to 2029 (in billion U.S. dollars)
CharacteristicNational debt in billion U.S. dollars
7 more rows
Apr 23, 2024

Is Russia in debt right now? ›

Public debt in Russia was 18.9% of GDP in 2022. For more public debt information, visit our dedicated page.

How much is Ukraine in debt? ›

Ukraine Total Gross External Debt
161533.00150938.00USD Million

How much debt is Russia in compared to the US debt? ›

Yes, but it is much smaller compared to the Russian economy than America's is to the American economy. Russia's debt-to-GDP is 17.20%. To put that in perspective, America would have to have a national debt of $4 trillion or so for the two nations to be somewhat comparable.

Who has the most Russian debt? ›

The most recent figures from the Bank for International Settlements, which cover up to the end of 2021, show French and Italian banks have the most exposure to Russia, with outstanding claims of more than US$20 billion, while Austrian banks have US$17.5 billion in outstanding claims on Russian debt.

Who paid the USSR debt? ›

Russia paid but not nearly as generously as the descendants of French bond buyers hoped. By August 21, 2006, all the Soviet era debts to the west are considered to have been paid off by Russian Federation.

Who owes the US money? ›

In total, other territories hold about $7.4 trillion in U.S. debt. Japan owns the most at $1.1 trillion, followed by China, with $859 billion, and the United Kingdom at $668 billion. In isolation, this $7.4 trillion amount is a lot, said Scott Morris, a senior fellow at the Center for Global Development.

Do any countries have 0 national debt? ›

In fact, very much like Norway, Singapore has more assets than debt. Which means that de facto the Singaporean government has no net debt. And what is more impressive, without the vast natural resources Singapore has. This is a privileged situation to be in, but Singaporeans have earned that privilege.

What country has the lowest debt? ›

Countries with the Lowest National Debt
  • Brunei. 3.2%
  • Afghanistan. 7.8%
  • Kuwait. 11.5%
  • Democratic Republic of Congo. 15.2%
  • Eswatini. 15.5%
  • Palestine. 16.4%
  • Russia. 17.8%

Who owes money to the World Bank? ›

Data Tables:
El SalvadorEritreaEswatini
FijiGabonGambia, The
IndiaIndonesiaIran, Islamic Rep.
27 more rows

What country is not in debt? ›

Given the significance of oil in today's world, Saudi Arabia produces enough oil and earns enough revenue to maintain a high GDP and additionally refrain from incurring debt.

Why is the US in so much debt? ›

One of the main culprits is consistently overspending. When the federal government spends more than its budget, it creates a deficit. In the fiscal year of 2023, it spent about $381 billion more than it collected in revenues. To pay that deficit, the government borrows money.

What is the future of Russia's economy in 2024? ›

Russia's Economy Ministry raised its 2024 growth forecast despite mounting sanctions over President Vladimir Putin's war in Ukraine. Gross domestic product will expand by 2.8% this year, Economy Minister Maxim Reshetnikov told a government meeting on Tuesday.

How much is Russia's debt per person? ›

National debt in Russia

The highest level of the last years at 439 billion US Dollar was reached in 2022. Based on the number of inhabitants, this is a debt of 3,044 USD per person. For comparison, the average debt per person in the same year in the European Union was 32,825 USD.

Which countries owe Russia money? ›

Venezuela owes Russia $3.5 billion, RBC reported. Cuba has borrowed $3.2 billion from Russia, followed by Bangladesh with $2 billion, Cyprus with $1.8 billion, India with $1.1 billion and Yemen with $1 billion. China, Morocco and foreign state corporations may owe Russia a further $13 billion, RBC reported.

How much is Germany in debt? ›

Germany National Government Debt reached 2,901.2 USD bn in Dec 2023, compared with 2,780.7 USD bn in the previous quarter.


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