SELDA SONUEN - Sabancı Ü SONUEN Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences ... - [PDF Document] (2024)

SELDA SONUEN - Sabancı Ü SONUEN Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences ... - [PDF Document] (1)





Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences

in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

Sabancı University

January 2015

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Prof. Dr. Ahmet Oral ………………………….

(Dissertation Supervisor)

Prof. Dr. Yuda Yürüm ………………………….

Assoc. Prof. Dr İnanç Adagideli ………………………….

Assoc. Prof. Dr Selmiye Alkan Gürsel ………………………….

Assoc. Prof. Dr Özgür Özer ………………………….

DATE OF APPROVAL: ………………………….

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© Selda Sonuşen 2015

All Rights Reserved

SELDA SONUEN - Sabancı Ü SONUEN Submitted to the Graduate School of Engineering and Natural Sciences ... - [PDF Document] (4)




Selda Sonuşen

Physics, PhD Thesis, 2015

Thesis Supervisor: Prof. Ahmet Oral

Keywords: Graphene Hall Sensor, Bismuth Hall Sensor, Scanning Hall Probe

Microscopy (SHPM), Quartz Tuning Fork (QTF), Graphene Growth by Chemically

Vapor Deposition (CVD), Magnetic Imaging


Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy (SHPM) is a powerful magnetic imaging

technique which provides high magnetic field and spatial resolution, simultaneously

with the topography of magnetic and superconducting materials. It is a quantative

method which can be operated under high magnetic fields and a wide temperature

range. The Hall sensor which is sensitive to the perpendicular component of the

magnetic field emanating from the specimen determines resolution. In this work, single

layer Graphene Hall Probes (GHP) were fabricated using Chemical Vapor Deposition

(CVD) grown graphene on copper foils, transferred to Silicon wafers. The Hall

coefficient and field sensitivity of GPHs were measured to be 0.18 Ω/G and 0.20

G/√Hz, respectively, for a 3 µA drive current at room temperature. For the first time,

GHP is successfully used for magnetic imaging in 3–300 K range in SHPM with quartz

crystal Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) feedback. This study has demonstrated that

graphene is an alternative material to be used for magnetic imaging in SHPM.

Alternatively, Bismuth based Hall probes are also fabricated by advanced lithographic

techniques. Since Bismuth is a semimetal with low carrier concentration, it has been

considered as a promising Hall sensor material. For the first time, SHPM images of

NdFeB demagnetized magnet were acquired using Bi hall sensor fabricated by Electron

Beam Lithography (EBL) with quartz crystal AFM feedback.

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Selda Sonuşen

Fizik, Doktora Tezi, 2015

Tez Danışmanı: Prof. Dr. Ahmet Oral

Anahtar Kelimeler: Grafen Hall Aygıtı, Bizmut Hall Aygıtı, Taramalı Hall Aygıtı

Mikroskopu, Kuvartz Kristal Çatal, Kimyasal Buhar Biriktime Yöntemi ile Grafen



Taramalı Hall Aygıtı Mikroskobu (THAM) manyetik ve süperiletken

malzemelerin yüksek manyetik ve uzaysal çözünürlükle çalışan bir görüntüleme

tekniğidir. THAM yüksek manyetik alan altında ve geniş sıcaklık aralığında da

çalıştırılabilen nitel bir metoddur. İncelenen numuneden gelen manyetik alanın dik

bileşenine hassas olan Hall aygıtı, çözünürlüğü ve hassasiyeti belirler. Bu çalışmada,

kimyasal buhar biriktirme yöntemi ile elde edilen tek tabakalı grafenden üretilen,

Grafen Hall aygıtının oda sıcaklığında ve 3 µA akım değeri için, Hall katsayısı ve alan

hassasiyeti sırası ile 0.18 Ω/G and 0.20 G/√Hz olarak ölçüldü. Grafen Hall aygıtı

dünyada ilk kez 3–300 K sıcaklık aralığında manyetik görüntülemede, kuvars kristalli

Atomik Kuvvet Mikroskobu (AKM) geribeslemesi ile çalışan THAM ile başarılı olarak

kullanıldı ve de–manyetize edilmiş NdFeB mıknatısın görüntüleri elde edildi. Bu

çalışma, grafenin THAM da kullanılmak üzere alternatif bir malzeme olduğunu

gösterdi. Eş zamanlı olarak, bizmut Hall aygıtı ileri litografi teknikleri kullanılarak

üretildi. Bizmut düşük taşıyıcı yoğunluğuna sahip bir yarımetal olduğu için bizmut da

gelecek vaat eden hall aygıtı malzemesi olarak değerlendirilir. Elektron demeti

lithografisi ile üretilmiş Bizmut Hall aygıtı ilk kez THAM da de–manyetize edilmiş

NdFeB mıknatısın görüntülenmesinde kullanıldı.

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To Ayten Sonuşen and Hasan Sonuşen

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First of all, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to my thesis supervisor

and greatest mentor to Prof. Dr. Ahmet Oral for his unfailing support throughout my

Ph.D studies. This thesis would not have been possible without his outstanding


I would like to thank to Prof. Dr. Yuda Yürüm, Assoc. Prof. Dr İnanç Adagideli,

Assoc. Prof. Dr Selmiye Alkan Gürsel,and Assoc. Prof. Dr Özgür Özer for being on my

thesis committee.

I am indebted to Asst. Prof Dr. Seda Aksoy for helping me with the fabrication

and characterization of graphene Hall sensor. I am deeply grateful to Özgür Karcı and

Dr. Münir Dede for sharing their experience with me and for generating the magnetic

imaging in SHPM. I would like to thank to the entire staff of NanoMagnetics

Instruments Ltd. for their support during my training in this company. I am also

thankful to Assoc. Prof. Dr Hidayet Çetin sharing his experience on graphene.

I am grateful to Dr. Anıl Günay Demirkol , the ultimate polymath, both for her

friendship and mentorship. I am thankful to Cenk Yanık for making life easier,

bearable, and enjoyable for me all the time. I would also like to thank to Süleyman

Çelik for his rare competence in performing fine work. Hasan Özkaya and Dr. Sibel

Kasapare to be mentioned for their great support. I would like to acknowledge my

previous and current group members, Derya Gemici, Nihan Özkan Aytekin, Dr. Musa

Mutlu Can, Hüsnü Aslan, Dr. Shumaila Karamat, Yiğit Uysallı, and Ekin Özgönül.

My greatest thanks go to my friends at Sabancı University, especially to Naime

Kınalı, Senem Avaz, Bahriye Karakaş, Utku Seven, Raghu Sharma Mokkapati, Ezgi

Uzun, Ines Karmous and Damla Arifoğlu for their all unforgettable support during my

thesis writing process. I would not have been able to finalize this thesis without their

constant encouragement. I would like also like to thank to my dear friends, Billur,

Umut, Emre, Nurdan, and Gülhis for their friendship.

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Finally; no word describes my deepest feelings to my dad, Hasan Sonuşen, and

my mom, Ayten Sonuşen. If there were a hundred million words to describe my feelings

to them in my native language, I would not cease to use these words of indebtedness to

them every single day. My sister; Seda Ibas, the other half of my soul, and Doruk Ibas,

the bringer of luck, happiness and the joy for all of us, are at the top of my gratitude list.

I am also thankful to Arda Ibas for being a part of our family.

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1 INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Context and Motivation ................................................................................ 1

1.2 Structure of the Thesis .................................................................................. 3


2.1 Scanning Probe Microscopy ........................................................................... 5

2.1.1 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy ..................................................... 5

2.1.2 Atomic Force Microscopy ................................................................ 7

2.1.3 Magnetic Imaging techniques .......................................................... 8 Magnetic Force Microscopy .............................................. 8 Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy ...................................... 9

3 SCANNING HALL PROBE MICROSCOPY .......................................................... 13

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 13

3.2 Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy ............................................................... 15

3.2.1 The Microscope Design and Operation .......................................... 15

3.2.2 LT–SHPM Electronics ................................................................... 22

3.2.3 LT–SHPM Software ....................................................................... 23

3.3 Scan Modes of LT–SHPM .......................................................................... 23

3.3.1 Lift–off Mode ................................................................................. 23

3.3.2 Real Time Mode ............................................................................. 24

3.3.3 AFM/STM tracking mode .............................................................. 25

3.4 Quartz Tunning Fork Force Sensor for AFM Tracking Mode in SHPM .... 29


FABRICATION METHODS ......................................................................................... 37

4.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 37

4.2 Nanofabrication Techniques ....................................................................... 38

4.2.1 Substrate Preparation...................................................................... 38

4.2.2 Optical lithography ......................................................................... 39

4.2.3 Electron Beam Lithography ........................................................... 44

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4.2.4 Etching Process .............................................................................. 55 Wet Etching ..................................................................... 55 Dry etching ...................................................................... 58

4.2.5 Thermal Evaporation ...................................................................... 62

4.2.6 Dicing and Wire Bonding .............................................................. 63

5 GRAPHENE HALL SENSORS for SHPM ................................................................ 65

5.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 65

5.2 Mechanic and Electronic Properties of Graphene ...................................... 67

5.3 Graphene Fabrication Methods ................................................................... 68

5.4 Characterization Methods of Graphene ...................................................... 71

5.5 Graphene Hall sensor .................................................................................. 73

5.5.1 Fabrication of GHP ........................................................................ 74

5.5.2 Characterization of GHP ................................................................ 78

5.5.3 Imaging NdFeB Demagnetized Magnet by GHP ........................... 83

5.6 Conclusion and Discussion ......................................................................... 85

6 BISMUTH HALL SENSORS for SHPM .................................................................... 88

6.1 Introduction ................................................................................................. 88

6.2 Bismuth Hall sensor .................................................................................... 90

6.2.1 Fabrication of Bismuth Hall sensor ................................................ 90

6.2.2 Characterization of Bismuth Hall Sensor ....................................... 94

6.2.3 Imaging NdFeB Demagnetized Magnet by Bismuth Hall Sensor . 96

6.3 Conclusion .................................................................................................. 99

7 CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORK ................................................................ 100

8 BIBLIOGRAPHY .................................................................................................... 102

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Figure 1.1: Schematic layout of the Scanning Probe Microscope ............................... 2

Figure 2.1: The principle of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy .................................... 6

Figure 2.2: STM topographic image of Si (111) under ultra high vacuum. ................ 7

Figure 2.3: Force as a function of distance between tip and sample .......................... 8

Figure 2.4: Hall effect .................................................................................................. 9

Figure 2.5: Schematic layout of the Scanning Hall Probe Microscope .................. ...12

Figure 3.1: Comparison of magnetic field sensitivity and spatial resolution of the

different imaging techniques. .................................................................. 14

Figure 3.2: Photograph of LT–SHPM used in the experiments ................................ 15

Figure 3.3: Detailed photograph of LT–SHPM ......................................................... 16

Figure 3.4: VHall Out vs Time graph of a 500 nm Bismuth Hall probe for –10 µA

Hall current. ............................................................................................. 17

Figure 3.5: (a) The illustration shows the Hall sensor and the sample mounted on the

slider puck while alignment process is carried out under optical

microscope (b) and tilted Hall sensor with respect to the sample surface

from different views ................................................................................ 19

Figure 3.6: Photograph of scanner and slider piezos in SHPM. ................................ 21

Figure 3.7: SHPM images of Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film taken by

using real time scanning mode. Values above images represent applied

perpendicular magnetic field to bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film.

................................................................................................................. 25

Figure 3.8: Optical microscope image of the Hall sensor designed and fabricated for

STM tracking mode. ................................................................................ 26

Figure 3.9: (a) SEM images of the Hall sensor integrated AFM tip apex for different

magnifications. (b) High magnification SEM image of Hall cross located

at the end of the silicon cantilever (c) and (d) topography and magnetic

image of 40 MB computer hard disk respectively. ................................. 28

Figure 3.10: (a) The schematic illustrates top and side view of the cantilever which

consists of two sensors for both topography and magnetic imaging. (b)

SEM image of the fabricated sensor. Surface topography (c) and SHPM

image of array of NiFe rectangles. .......................................................... 28

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Figure 3.11: AFM image of Si (111) under ultra high vacuum by using a sharp tip

attached to QTF. ...................................................................................... 30

Figure 3.12: The pictures show process steps of fabrication of Hall sensor for AFM

tracking mode by using QTF. (a) Before (top) and after (bottom) QTF is

removed from its metal can. (b) The picture of PCB used throughout

measurements during this study. (c) and (d) pictures of QTF which is

glued on the top of PCB and Hall sensor attached to QTF respectively.

(e) Dedicatedly designed boxes for Hall sensor storage. ........................ 32

Figure 3.13: Picture of dialog box in SPM software for central frequency, quality

factor and maximum phase calculation. .................................................. 34

Figure 3.14: Resonance curve of QTF before (a) and (b) after Hall sensor attached to

QTF in ambient condition respectively. .................................................. 35

Figure 3.15: Resonance frequency curve of QTF attached GaN Hall sensor for one

prong free and both prongs free situations and for two different sizes of

quartz tubes. ............................................................................................ 36

Figure 4.1: The entire mask design which is used for Hall sensor fabrication .......... 40

Figure 4.2: Process flow of the photolithography for both negative and positive resist

................................................................................................................. 41

Figure 4.3: Process flow of the photolithography for both negative and positive resist

................................................................................................................. 42

Figure 4.4: Process flow of the EBL for both negative and positive resist tone. ...... 47

Figure 4.5: Schematic illustration of fabrication steps for bilayer system. ............... 48

Figure 4.6: (a) Screenshot of Hall sensor array designed in DesignCAD program. (b)

SEM image of hall sensor patterns after lift–off process. ....................... 50

Figure 4.7: (a) SEM image of hall sensor patterns arrayed by Run File Editor (b)

after lift–off process. ............................................................................... 51

Figure 4.8: (a) Screenshot of 100 nm Hall sensor designed in DesignCAD program

(b) SEM image of fabricated 100nm Hall sensor pattern. ...................... 51

Figure 4.9: (a) The optical microscope image of 50 nm Hall sensor after

development (b) Simulation of Hall cross pattern after implemented by

PEC.......................................................................................................... 53

Figure 4.10: (a) and (b) the SEM images of 50 nm Hall sensor at different

magnifications after 5nm Cr/30 nm Au evaporation and lift–off in

acetone. .................................................................................................... 54

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Figure 4.11: The SEM image of 21 nm sized Hall cross by using 950 K PMMA–C2.

................................................................................................................. 54

Figure 4.12: (a), (b) The optical microscope and (c), (d) the SEM images of recess

formation. ................................................................................................ 57

Figure 4.13: SEM image of mesa formation on Bismuth Hall sensor. ........................ 58

Figure 4.14: (a) and (b) SEM image of Bismuth Hall sensor without and with oxygen

plasma application before e–beam resist coating respectively. .............. 59

Figure 4.15: The optical microscope image of GHP after mesa formation. ................ 60

Figure 4.16: The SEM images of Bismuth Hall sensor after mesa formation. ............ 61

Figure 4.17: The SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor (a) with and (b) without

evaporation of Cr as adhesion layer before Bismuth metal. ................... 63

Figure 4.18: Diced Bismuth Hall sensor fabricated on GaAs substrate. ..................... 64

Figure 4.19: The SEM image of diced and bonded Bismuth Hall sensor. .................. 64

Figure 5.1: The energy dispersion of graphene and the Dirac cone. ......................... 68

Figure 5.2: (a), (b) and (c) Graphene fabrication steps and (d) single and multi layer

graphene sheets produced by this method. .............................................. 69

Figure 5.3: Calculated optical contrast variation of graphene with changes in SiO2

thickness and of wavelength of light. ...................................................... 71

Figure 5.4: (a) Optical microscope image of graphene sheets produced via

mechanical exfoliation method. Raman spectrum of (b) single and (c)

multi layer graphene film. (d) AFM topography of single layer graphene

sheet. ........................................................................................................ 73

Figure 5.5: The optical microscope images of (a) mechanical exfoliated graphene (b)

after contact pad metallization, (c) O2 plasma etching of graphene (d)

taking contact from graphene to contact pads by implementing EBL and

(e) mesa step formation ........................................................................... 75

Figure 5.6: The optical microscope images of after (a) Hall cross definition by

implementing positive photolithography and (b) after O2 plasma process

and removing photoresist ........................................................................ 76

Figure 5.7: The optical microscope images (a) of the developed sample with

AZ726MIF after positive photolithography by using recess mask pattern

(b) after contact pads metallization ......................................................... 77

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Figure 5.8: Optical microscope images of GHP. (a) After mesa formation by etching

830 nm SiO2/Si layer. (b) Side view of Hall sensor glued on 1 × 1 cm

PCB ......................................................................................................... 77

Figure 5.9: (a) The optical microscope images of as received CVD growth graphene

on 285 nm SiO2/Si wafers. (b) The Raman spectrum of as received CVD

growth graphene from different three points........................................... 78

Figure 5.10: Optical microscope image of GHP (left).Raman map of (I2D/IG ≥ 2)

intensity ratio measured in a 14 µm × 14 µm area of GHP (right–top).

Single Raman spectrum taken from center of the GHP (right–bottom). . 79

Figure 5.11: Hall voltage response of GHP to applied magnetic field at room

temperature .............................................................................................. 80

Figure 5.12: (a) Bmin for different drive current as a function of frequency at 300 K.

(b) Bmin for different temperature as a function of frequency for 5 µA

Hall current .............................................................................................. 81

Figure 5.13: Comparison of Bmin in vacuum and in Helium exchange gas for different

current values. (d) Serial resistance of two arms of Hall crosses as a

function of temperature ........................................................................... 82

Figure 5.14: The variations of RHall as a function of temperature for ± 2 µA driving

current..................................................................................................... 83

Figure 5.15: Measured resonance frequency at 300 K (a) before and (b) after GHP

was glued on QTF. .................................................................................. 83

Figure 5.16: (a) and (c) magnetic images of NdFeB demagnetized magnet by using

GHP at 300 K. (b) and (d) magnetic field variations along the line drawn

on images ................................................................................................ 84

Figure 5.17: (a) Topographic image of NdFeB. (b) 50 µm × 50µm LT–SHPM magnetic

image of NdFeB at 126 K. 14 µm × 14 µm LT–SHPM magnetic image of

the same sample for (c) IHall = +2 µA (d) IHall = –2 µA at 3 K ................ 85

Figure 5.18: SEM image of as received CVD graphene sheet which shows cracks and

discontinuity on the graphene film surface ............................................. 86

Figure 6.1: The SEM images of 50 nm × 50 nm nano-Bismuth hall probe. SHPM

image of crystalline Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film taken by

fabricated 50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor at room temperature ................... 89

Figure 6.2: The optical microscope image of (a) symmetric (b) asymmetric ohmic

contacts after 10 nm Cr and 100 nm Au evaporation and lift–off process

................................................................................................................. 90

Figure 6.3: Then SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall cross at different magnifications

................................................................................................................. 92

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Figure 6.4: (a)The optical microscope images after the first time EBL is employed for

connection problem (b), (c) and (d) show SEM images after third EBL

process applied at different magnifications and different points of view

................................................................................................................. 93

Figure 6.5: The SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor after mesa formation ...... 94

Figure 6.6: (a) The SEM image of 500 nm Bismuth Hall sensor. Bmin as a function of

driving current at different temperature values (b) 300 K (c) 77 K and

(d) 4 K The SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor after mesa

formation ................................................................................................. 95

Figure 6.7: (a) The SEM image of 200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor Bmin a function of

driving current at different temperature values (b) 300 K (c) 77 K and (d)

4 K ........................................................................................................... 95

Figure 6.8: SHPM images of NdFeB demagnetized magnet at (a) 300 K, (b) 77 K, (c)

4 K taken by using 500nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 50 µA driving current

and at (d) 4 K for –50 µA driving current. .............................................. 96

Figure 6.9: SHPM images of NdFeB demagnetized magnet at 300 K (left) by using

200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current and graph of cross

sections (right top and bottom). .............................................................. 97

Figure 6.10: (a) Topography and (b) SHPM image of NdFeB sample at 77 K by using

200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current ........................... 97

Figure 6.11: (a) Topography and (b) SHPM image of NdFeB sample at 4 K by using

200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current ........................... 98

Figure 6.12: (a) SHPM image of NdFeB sample at 300 K by using 100 nm Bismuth

Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current. (b) Magnetic field variations along

the line drawn on images ......................................................................... 99

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Table 4.1: Summary of the positive lithography process parameters optimized for

two different mask aligner systems are given ......................................... 43

Table 4.2: Summary of image reversal process parameters optimized for two

different mask aligner systems are given ................................................ 43

Table 5.1: Summary of data measured from InSb, epitaxial graphene and CVD

graphene sensor for 5 µm Hall cross size................................................ 66

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MO : Magneto Optics

QTF : Quartz Tuning Fork

ADC : Analog to Digital Converter

VTI : Variable Temperature Insert

PCB : Printed Circuit Board

CBT : Cantilever Beam Theory

SHM : Simple Harmonic Motion

EBL : Electron Beam Lithography

CD : Critical Dimension

ACE : Acetone

IPA : Isopropyl Alcohol

DI : Deionized

PAC : Photoactive Compound

UV : Ultraviolet

SEM : Scanning Electron Microscopy

PMMA : Polymethyl Methacrylate

HSQ : Hydrogen Silsesqioaxene

Fox 12 : Flowable Oxide

MIBK : Methyl Isobutyl Ketone

NPGS : Nabity Pattern Generation System

EHT : Extra High Tension

PEC : Proximity Effect Correction

PSF : Point Spread Function

RIE : Reactive Ion Etching

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GHP : Graphene Hall Probe

SHPM : Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy

SPM : Scanning Probe Microscope

LT–SHPM : Low Temperature Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy

FET : Field Effect Transistor

LEED : Low–Energy Electron Diffraction

TEM : Transmission Electron Microscope

ICP–RIE : Inductively Coupled Plasma Reactive Ion Etching

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1.1 Context and Motivation

The development of Scanning Probe Microscopy (SPM), which can achieve

atomic scale resolution, has been pioneered by the invention of Scanning Tunnelling

Microscopy (STM) in 1981 by Binnig & Rohrer 1. In STM we use an atomically sharp

tip which is kept at very close proximity of the surface by regulating the distance to

keep a constant tunnel current, in the nA range. The image is formed by scanning the tip

across the surface by means of piezolectric scanners, as we record the tip height as

shown in Figure x. The basic working principle of all members of SPM family is similar

to each other. In short we scan a probe at close proximity of the specimen surface, while

e measure the interaction between the tip and sample: this interaction can be chemical

force, magnetic force, electric current etc. One can obtain information on various

properties of samples like surface morphology, topography, magnetic properties etc, by

utilizing different interaction modes between the sample and the tip. The Scanning Hall

Probe Microscopy (SHPM) uses a micro or nano Hall sensor to image the z–component

of local magnetic flux density, Bz, down to 50nm resolution. The main content of this

thesis covers development of new graphene and Bismuth micro and nano Hall sensors

for SHPM.

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Figure 1.1: Schematic layout of the Scanning Probe Microscope.

The basic operating principle of SHPM is to provide information on magnetic

properties of materials by measuring classical Hall effect. The resolution of SHPM is

determined by the Hall sensor which is manufactured using advanced microfabrication

techniques. Based on the necessities, the probe of the Hall sensor can be fabricated at

different sizes, from different materials. In order to increase the magnetic field

resolution, high mobility materials with low charge carrier concentrations are preferred

2. Moreover, the spatial resolution of the microscope is defined by the

physical dimensions the Hall sensor 3. Various materials have been utilized for the

fabrication of Hall sensors for different applications and temperatures, so far such

as InSb, GaAs/AlGaAs, Silicon–on Insulator, AlGaN/GaN etc 4, 5

. In addition to these

materials, the experimental isolation of graphene made it a new candidate for

fabricating high sensitivity Hall sensors. Graphene is a promising material thanks to its

extraordinary mechanical and electrical properties 6. In literature it has

been indicated that minimum detectable magnetic field of epitaxial–grown graphene is

better than InSb Hall sensor; which has been shown as a low noise and high

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performance Hall probe at room temperatures 7. This fact shaped the motivation of this

thesis; to use graphene as Hall sensor material for magnetic imagining and also increase

magnetic field resolution and hopefully decrease the size for smaller than 50 nm spatial

resolution. In addition to graphene, bismuth is also an alternative material for SHPM

application thanks to its low charge carrier concentration. Bismuth Hall sensor

fabricated by using focused ion beam (FIB) system is damaged by Ga+

and this results

in having hall sensor with poor performance 8, 9

. It is reported that minimum detectable

magnetic field of Bismuth Hall sensor is improved further by implementing electron

beam lithography in the fabrication process 10

. In this thesis work, we also attempted to

reduce the Bismuth Hall sensor area, in order to obtain higher spatial resolution and

implement electron beam lithography (EBL) in order to prevent damage arising from

FIB technique.

1.2 Structure of the Thesis

In Chapter 1, motivations of this study are underlined. Chapter 2 presents a

general introduction about scanning probe microscopy and provides detailed

information on both theoretical aspects and working principles of different types of

SPM, such as Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), STM, Magnetic Force

Microscopy(MFM) and SHPM. In particular, this chapter addresses the well–known

phenomena called as classical Hall effect and its utilization in SHPM applications.

Chapter 3 covers the basic principles of SHPM and its components, microscope

design, electronics, operation principles and explain the types of scanning modes that

we used. Among the scanning modes, extra effort was spent to explain the quartz tuning

fork AFM tracking mode.

In Chapter 4, we mainly discuss fabrication of Hall probes which is the most

crucial part that determines the resolution of SHPM. Fabrication techniques used for

Hall sensor production, problems encountered during fabrication process and their

solutions are presented with using SEM and optical microscope images.

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In Chapter 5 and Chapter 6 present fabrication, characterization, and magnetic

imaging of NdFeB demagnetized magnet by using Graphene Hall sensor and Bismuth

Hall sensor respectively. In chapter 7, we discussed our results and future work.

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2.1 Scanning Probe Microscopy

Scanning probe microscopy (SPM) is a commonly used imaging technique which

provides local properties of an investigated sample surface down to atomic scale. Most

SPMs use an extremely sharp tip which is brought into close proximity of a sample in

order to measure interaction between tip and sample. These interactions are used as a

feedback signal and define type of SPM. Sample is typically scanned by piezoelectric

crystals; which also controls tip–sample distance with high precision. There are various

types of SPM. In the following sections, first STM and AFM will be presented and then,

working principle of the most prominent magnetic imaging techniques and SHPM will

be covered.

2.1.1 Scanning Tunneling Microscopy

SPM has provided scientists to characterize surface of a sample at atomic scale.

Before the 1980's, it was not possible to image of a material in the atomic scale.

However, in 1981 Gerd Binnig and Heinrich Rohrer invented STM, which could image

single atoms, at IBM Laboratories in Switzerland 1. This invention brought Nobel Prize

in 1986 to its inventors and contributed to the development of SPM.

In STM, sharp conductive tip, having a single atom at its closest point of surface,

is brought into close proximity with the conductive sample surface. Although tip and

sample are very close to each other, they are not in physical contact. When a voltage is

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applied between tip and sample, electrons start tunneling from sample to tip or the other

way around depending on the polarity of voltage; which determine the direction of

tunneling current. Electron tunneling is at the heart of STM which is one of the

fundamental phenomena in quantum mechanics. In classical physics, it is not possible

for a particle to penetrate a potential barrier if the total energy of the particle is less than

the barrier height. However, in quantum mechanics, this particle can go through the

potential barrier and this is known as quantum mechanical tunneling 11. The tunneling

current is an exponential function of distance and it is given by

. (2.1)

. (2.2)

where m is the electron mass, is the average work function of the tip and sample, is

the Planck’s constant, VBias is the applied bias voltage between tip and specimen and z

is the tip–sample distance (Figure 2.1) 12, 13


Figure 2.1: The principle of Scanning Tunneling Microscopy 13


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Distance between tip and sample can be controlled by measuring tunneling

current and if tunneling current is fed to a control circuit, it enables to obtain

topographical image of a conductive sample with atomic resolution.

Figure 2.2: STM topographic image of Si (111) under ultra high vacuum.

2.1.2 Atomic Force Microscopy

Even though STM provides high resolution imaging, it only allows us to examine

conductive samples. AFM was developed by Binnig et al in 1986 14

to overcome this

drawback. One of the most important advantages of AFM is that it enables to analyze

insulator samples as well as conductive materials .

AFM is sensitive to interaction between an extremely sharp tip at the end of the

micro–fabricated AFM cantilever and the atoms located on the sample surface. There

are basically two types of tip–sample interactions known as attractive and repulsive

forces. van der Waals interaction, chemical force, capillary and electrostatic forces are

considered as attractive forces while repulsive forces are hard sphere repulsion, Pauli

exclusion interaction and electron–electron Coulomb interaction 15

. Force as a function

of distance between the tip and sample is shown in Figure 2.3 16

. As is seen from the

figure, when tip approaches toward the sample, first of all, attractive forces are

dominated. At large distance, main component of attractive forces is the van der Waals

interactions. These forces result from fluctuations in electric dipoles of atoms and

molecules 17


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Figure 2.3: Force as a function of distance between tip and sample 16


When the surface topography of sample changes, interatomic forces between tip

and the sample surface also differ and thus result in cantilever deflection. By monitoring

the deflection of cantilever with optical detection system, topographic images of both

conductive and nonconductive samples are obtained.

2.1.3 Magnetic Imaging Techniques Magnetic Force Microscopy

Different than Atomic force microscopy, Magnetic force microscope (MFM) uses

a sharp magnetic tip to scan a sample with magnetic domains and provides information

regarding its magnetic structure. Attractive or repulsive magnetic forces between the

sample and magnetic tip attached to a flexible microcantilever are measured to obtain

magnetic domains on the specimen. The basic principles of MFM to obtain an image are

as follows:

Magnetic tip is first used in tapping mode to map the topography of

sample’s surface.

Surface is tracked from a certain distance above the surface in lift mode.

Image is produced by the interactions between sample’s surface magnetic

field and magnetic AFM tip.

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MFM measures the vertical gradient of magnetic force that is established between

magnetic tip and the sample surface. Derivative of the vertical component can either be

measured by slope or modulations in frequency. Sensitivity of MFM therefore mainly

depends on minimum detectable force gradient 18


Although MFM’s resolution is dependent on various factors, among them the

most important ones are perhaps the tip size & geometry and sample tip spacing.

Today’s MFM devices are capable to resolve magnetic features up to 10–50 nm

depending on the environmental conditions 19

. However, the demand for improved

MFM resolutions is still attracting researchers to be able to resolve smaller features. For

instance, Han et al. Fabricated a dual–synthetic MFM tip to improve spatial resolution

and compared the images with those obtained by conventional MESP tip and confirmed

superior performance of dual–synthetic tips. The samples were scanned on a 10 μm ×

10 μm area under ambient conditions in tapping/lift mode 20

. Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy

Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy (SHPM) is based on Hall effect principle which

was discovered by Edwin Herbert Hall in 1879. He has found that if a current carrying

conductor or semiconductor is placed in a magnetic field at right angles, a voltage is

created in the perpendicular direction to both to direction of current and the magnetic

field. In Hall Effect, as shown in Figure 2.4, a semiconductor material with dimension ℓ

× w × d is subjected to an electric current in the positive × direction.

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Figure 2.4: Hall effect.

If a material is n type semiconductor, the great part of charge carriers will be

electrons which move opposite direction of applied electric current. In the presence of

external magnetic field, electrons with drift velocity Ve experience Lorentz force given

by the equation;

. (3.2)

Under influence of Lorentz force, moving electrons are deflected in negative y

direction which makes lower edge of semiconductor negatively charged while upper

edge becomes positively charged. Thus, electric field Ey is generated in the

semiconductor and this field applies a force on electrons given by,

. (3.2)

When the system reaches the equilibrium, the electric force becomes equal to the

magnetic force,



Thus, the electric field can be found by using equation 3.4,


If total charge in this slab is Q, then free carrier density n is given by,


Moreover, current is defined as the amount of charge that flows per unit time. By

combining equation 3.6 with current, one can find current as,


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If we rearrange equation 3.7 and substitute drift velocity in equation 3.5, electric

field is given by,


It is also possible to write electric field in terms of hall voltage,


By combing equation 3.8 and 3.9, Hall voltage VH is given by,


where RH is equals to

and it is called as Hall coefficient. If charge carriers in

semiconductor are holes, Hall coefficient RH is given by

. In SHPM, by

measuring Hall voltage, knowing applied current and external magnetic field, Hall

coefficient can be calculated easily. Moreover, since sign of Hall coefficient changes

according to the sign of current carrying charges, this enable to determine the type of

semiconductor used in the experiment. On the other hand, if current is through a

semiconductor whose Hall coefficient is already known, magnetic field coming from

this material can be determined by measuring Hall voltage.

In SHPM, distance between hall probe and surface of a sample is a critical

parameter. Since magnetic field decreases with distance, distance between hall probe

and surface must be very close to each other in order to measure small magnetic field 21


When a hall probe is brought proximity of a sample and applied a current through two

arms of hall probe, a fabricated Hall probe being a sensitive to perpendicular component

of stray magnetic field produced by sample creates a Hall voltage. This Hall voltage is

measured from other two arms of the Hall sensor. Therefore, unknown magnetic field

coming from sample can be determined. Resolution of this magnetic field is limited

dominantly by Johnson noise due to thermal agitation 3.

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Figure 2.5: Schematic layout of the Scanning Hall Probe Microscope 2.

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3.1 Introduction

Magnetic domain is a small region of magnetic moments where all magnetic

moments are aligned in the same direction. Magnetic domains structure plays a very

important role in development of magnetic storage technology. Each domain

corresponds to a bit and recorded in a magnetic medium. Size of the bit determines the

storage capacity and it needs to be decreased in order to increase density of recording.

Size and various properties of magnetic domain structure can be investigated and well

understood by using different imaging methods at nano–scale such as MFM, Magneto

Optics (MO), SQUID, and SHPM. Besides, these techniques are not only used for

observation of magnetic domains in magnetic recording media but also vortices in

superconductive materials or any other magnetic properties in magnetic materials. Some

of the common important features of magnetic imaging methods can be listed as

follows: quantitative measurements, fast scan speed, high magnetic field sensitivity and

high spatial resolution.

Both magnetic field sensitivity and spatial resolution are the most critical

parameters for magnetic imaging application and Figure 3.1 illustrates the comparison

of these parameters for different magnetic imaging tools 22

. As seen from this figure, the

highest magnetic field sensitivity can be obtained by SQUID despite the fact that its

spatial resolution is limited around 5–10 µm. On the other hand, MFM provides higher

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spatial resolution than SQUID and it can be performed at different measurement

condition such as in vacuum condition, which can further improve the sensitivity and at

ambient temperature as well as low temperature 23

. Together with its benefits, MFM has

much poorer magnetic field sensitivity as it is compared to SQUID and SHPM. Among

them, SHPM offers reasonable spatial resolution and magnetic sensitivity at the same

time. By using SHPM, it is also possible to get topographic image of investigated

sample simultaneously. Last but not least, it yields quantitative measurements without

damaging sample surface at both room and low temperature.

Figure 3.1: Comparison of magnetic field sensitivity and spatial resolution of the

different imaging techniques 22


In this chapter, all mechanical and electrical components of SHPM will be

discussed in detail. Two cryostat systems are used in order to obtain local magnetic

measurement of a sample and electrical characterization of the fabricated hall sensor in

a wide range of temperature during this work will be also introduced. In the third part of

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this chapter, all scanning modes of SHPM are explained. Last but not least, theoretical

and experimental aspects of Quartz Tuning Fork (QTF) as force sensor are presented

3.2 Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy

3.2.1 The Microscope Design and Operation

As with other SPM, SHPM is composed of five main parts; the probe,

approaching system, scanning system, electronic controller unit and the software 3.

Figure 3.2 shows the LT–SHPM system manufactured by NanoMagnetics Instruments

Ltd. The microscope insert consists of the LT–SHPM head, the flange and radiation

baffles. All the electrical wires coming from the SPM electronic pass through the

cylindrical tube and they transmit signal from electronic unit to the sensor. Length of

the microscope is adjusted so as to bring the sensor at the center of magnetic field when

it is inserted to the cryostat. Furthermore, there are 6 radiation shields at certain

distances surrounded the microscope body, which reduces heat load coming from top

part of the microscope.

Figure 3.2: Photograph of LT–SHPM used in the experiments 24


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The microscope shield shown in Figure 3.3 protects the SHPM head and its

components from mechanical damages and it also maintains temperature uniformity.

After making sure that the sensor works properly, the shield can be fixed to the head of

SHPM and the microscope can be loaded the cryostat safely. Moreover, a coil which

can apply a constant small magnetic field can be integrated the shield. It allows quick

measurement of the Hall coefficient of the sensor and gives an idea about performance

of the sensor used before the microscope is loaded to a cryostat.

Figure 3.3: Detailed photograph of LT–SHPM 24


Checking whether the fabricated hall sensor works properly or not is highly

recommended before mounting the sample to the microscope or before making any

further steps. For this, the Hall sensor is driven by a constant Hall current value and

nulled by using SPM software in order to reduce offset voltage in the absence of the

magnetic field. Then, a permanent magnet is approached to the sensor. Therefore,

increase or decrease in Hall voltage output (VHall Out) signal can be observed in the

SPM software by connecting it to one of the channel located in the spare Analog to

Digital Converter (ADC). If opposite magnet field direction is applied to the Hall

sensor, VHall Out signal is reversed. In addition to this, opposite direction of current

result in changing polarity of VHall Out signal as well for the proper working Hall

sensor. VHall Out signal of 500 nm Bismuth Hall probe versus time for –10 µA current is

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shown in Figure 3.4. There is offset voltage after nulling the sensor. When the magnet is

approached initially to the sensor, VHall out is increased as seen from this figure. Since

the polarity of magnet is reversed around the fifth second, VHall is increased in the

opposite direction with almost same magnitude on the graph.

Figure 3.4: VHall Out vs Time graph of a 500 nm Bismuth Hall probe for –10 µA

Hall current.

The sample to be measured must be as clean as possible to obtain better

experimental data. For STM feedback the sample must be conductive. On the other

hand, both conductive and non conductive sample can be measured by using AFM

tracking mode. Silver paint is used in order to glue the sample on the sample holder.

After gluing the sample, the holder is attached to the slider puck. There are three quartz

hemispheres on the XY slider. They decarese the frcition and therefore they provide

easier movements of the sample holder. After the sample and the sensor are attached

properly to the microscope, the slider puck is mounted to the quartz glass tube by using

a leaf spring and two screws as seen from Figure 3.3. Mounting the sample slider puck

to the quartz tube is a crucial step. Excessive force should not be applied to in order to

avoid damaging to the glass tube and the leaf spring must be tightening at right amount.

On the other hand, if the screws on the leaf spring are too loose the puck can fall down.

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Piezoelectric materials are commonly used in nanotechnology. In particular, they

are fundamental tools in SPM technology due to its precise movement of both scanning

and tip–sample approaching mechanism. Furthermore, piezoelectric materials are

suitable for low temperature applications which expand their area of usage. They

basically convert the mechanical energy to electrical energy or vice versa. When a

voltage is applied to a piezoelectric material, it changes its size by extending or

contraction according to polarity of applied voltage. Piezoelectric materials are widely

preferred for approaching system due to its accurate movement. Since they move in

micron scale, an approach mechanism which provides greater steps is required for

course approach process. In SHPM, the sample is approached to the sensor by using

stick/slip coarse approach mechanism, after the sample and the sensor are fixed on the

microscope. In this mechanism, first a voltage with slow ramp is applied to slider piezo

which results in slow movement of the slider puck in forward direction together with

the piezo tube then this voltage value is turned back to its initial value very fast, which

causes to move quartz tube in opposite direction while the slider puck stays stationary.

Consequently, the slider puck is moved in desired direction. Moreover, this saw–tooth

voltage signal applied to the piezo tube can be set up to 400 V. Step size of movements

can be adjusted by changing voltage values although step size are not reproducible for

the same voltage value at each approaching application 3.

After the sensor is brought to the sample surface close enough, first of all the

sample is aligned parallel with respect to the Hall Sensor by using three compression

springs under a light microscope. Alignment is carried out at a safe distance and it is

completed when the Hall sensor and its reflection on the sample surface is exactly

parallel to each other. Alignment accuracy of the sample can be easily understood by

bringing the Hall sensor very close to the sample and checking it from different sides by

using bottom illumination of the optical microscope. Next, one of the compression

springs located back side of the sensor is loosen around one and a half tour so that edge

of the sensor becomes closest point to the investigated sample. Angle between edge of

the Hall sensor and the sample surface should be between 1–1.5° for precise and high

resolution data acquisition. Small number of step sizes has to be used while the piezo

tube is moved in z direction. Besides, before the sample is tilted, the sensor must be

retracted to a few hundred microns away in order to avoid the Hall sensor crashing into

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the sample surface. The picture of the hall sensor and the sample mounted on the slider

puck during these processes is presented in Figure 3.5 (a). Figure 3.5 (b) and (c)

illustrates tilted Hall sensor with respect to the sample surface from different views.

After the sample is tilted around 1.5° with respect to the Hall sensor, the sample is

ready to approach. For this, generally automatic approach is preferred. When the

automatic approach is used to bring the sensor close the sample surface, at each step

piezo first fully retracted and check the set interaction value which can be either

tunneling current or frequency shift depending on feedback mechanism used and then

the piezo is extended to a few steps. Automatic approach process continues until

interaction value reaches the set value.

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Figure 3.5: (a) The illustration shows the Hall sensor and the sample mounted on

the slider puck while alignment process is carried out under optical microscope (b) and

tilted Hall sensor with respect to the sample surface from different views front and (c)


There are three piezos fixed on the microscope. The first one, slider tube piezo, is

used for approaching as it is mentioned above and the second piezo is used for scanning

called as scanner piezo. Piezo tube consists of distinct electrodes which allows

movement in three direction x, y and z with high precision. Expansion or contraction in

desired direction is achieved by giving voltage to the appropriate electrodes. Voltage

values and thus movement of the scanner is well controlled by using SPM software and

electronics in SHPM. Different piezos respond differently to the applied voltage based

on its sensitivity. The sensitivity of piezoelectric material is defined by displacement of

the piezo per applied voltage and it is directly affected by thickness of piezo tube,

temperature condition etc. Furthermore, piezoelectric materials exhibit hysteresis effect.

It means that there is a nonlinear relationship between applied voltage and output

displacement. This can result in image distortion. In addition to hysteresis and

sensitivity, another important issue to be considered is behavior of piezoelectric

materials at cryogenic temperature. Electronic properties of the Hall sensor such as

mobility, conductivity or charge carrier concentration depends on temperature and also

field sensitivity of the Hall probe varies with changing temperature. Therefore, low

temperature measurements play important role in magnetic imaging. Temperature

dependency of both hardware and software components of the microscope have to be

taken into account. For instance, calibrated piezo constants should be entered the SPM

software control according to temperature value before the measurements take place,

because the piezo coefficients are dependent directly on the temperature. They decrease

as the temperature is lowered. If the piezo coefficients are not entered the software

correctly, the size of scan area or step size as the sample is approached to the Hall

sensor differs from their actual value. Maximum scan range is also having temperature

dependency and it is extended with increasing temperature. For the microscope we used,

the maximum scan range at room temperature is 108x108 µm2

while this value is 18x18

µm2 area at 4 K. Scan speed, size of scan area and number of scans are adjustable

parameters. Scanning is initiated from SPM software program and it can be stopped

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whenever it is required. Scanning modes and feedback mechanism will be discussed

later in this chapter.

Figure 3.6: Picture of scanner and slider piezos in SHPM.

We used two different commercially available cryostats for the low temperature

measurement and high magnetic field application during this study. One of them is,

Teslatron PT, manufactured by Oxford Instruments Nanoscience and located in

SUNUM at Sabancı University. It is a cryogen free system whose temperature can be

controlled between 1.5–300 K. A superconductive magnet integrated the system

generates high magnetic field in both direction up to 8 T with maximum field ramp rate

0.207 T/min. Besides, the other cryostat system, supplied by Cryogenic Limited, located

at NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd., is used mostly for magnetic imaging and

characterization of the fabricated Hall probes. It is also a closed cycle cryogen free

cryostat and any temperature between 1.6 K and 300 K can be stabilized easily.

Although the systems specification allows changing the sample rod at any temperature,

the microscope must be loaded or removed from the cryostat when the temperature of

the variable temperature insert (VTI) sample space is at 300 K to prevent the

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microscope from thermal shocks. The rate of temperature must be adjusted between 2–3

K/min in order to protect components of the microscope from mechanical damage when

it is cooling down or warming up to a desired temperature. Furthermore, not only

measurements can be obtained in He exchange gas; but also the sample space can be

pumped up to 10-5

mbar vacuum level by turbo pump and magnetic imaging or electrical

characterization can be performed in vacuum environment. This comes into prominence

when working with the graphene hall sensor.

Last but not least, performance of the fabricated sensor is determined initially

with the help of a test station manufactured by NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd. Since it

does not include essential mechanical components for scanning such as scanner and

slider piezo, it is not suitable for magnetic imaging. However, it is designed to measure

Hall voltage response, Hall coefficient and noise spectrum of the sensors one after

another by connecting to head amplifier to the appropriate test station head as it is

possible to mount two or three sensors to test station at the same time. The benefit of

using the test station is achieved by that it enables to select the most promising sensor

according to electrical characterization results among the mounted sensors before

scanning step. Besides, it also allows doing measurements in vacuum environment and

in a wide range temperature including cryogenic temperature.

3.2.2 LT–SHPM Electronics

There are various electronic cards which are used for different purpose and

operation in the LT–SHPM control electronics. Some basic properties of these cards are

given as following:









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3.2.3 LT–SHPM Software

NMI SPM program (version 2.0.16) written by Nanomagnetics Instruments Ltd is

used in LT–SHPM measurement in order to adjust related parameters with the

experiments. Before performing scanning or any other steps, suitable scanning mode

must be selected and other commands like approaching, scanning or finding resonance

frequency of cantilever is set in this program. Besides, the software makes it possible

that the collected data can be edited. For example; obtained images can be corrected by

using plane or line correction. In addition, basic process like cropping image, measuring

distance between two features and measuring roughness can be done via NMI SPM.

Various filtering are available in this program such as mean, median, Gaussian or

parametric low past filter. There are also another program written by NanoMagnetics

Instruments Ltd exists for data editing called NMI SPM which allows the processing of

collected images.

3.3 Scan Modes of LT–SHPM

LT–SHPM can be operated with different modes by mounting appropriate tip to

microscope according to type of modes. Scanning mode of SHPM is preferred by

considering the sample type, required resolution or image acquisition time. There are

three different scanning modes of SHPM: tracking mode with STM or AFM feedback,

lift–off mode, real time mode. Each mode has some advantages and disadvantages on its

way. Details of these modes will be discussed in the following subsections.

3.3.1 Lift–off Mode

Lift–off mode is widely used method in SHPM due to its several advantageous.

The greatest benefit of the lift–off mode is being very fast since it does not use any

feedback mechanism. Scan speed of this mode is approximately 4s/frame 2. Moreover,

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with this mode flicker noise (1/f noise) can be reduced by taking average of images

obtained 3.

For the lift–off mode operation, first of all the sample–sensor angle is adjusted

and then the sample is approached to the sensor by using STM feedback control. As the

desired tunneling current is established, approaching stops and initially area which will

be scanned must be checked to be sure that it has free of contaminations. For this

purpose, the sensor is lifted off a few microns away from the sample surface and the

sensor is moved to four edges of the scan area to confirm that there is no tunneling

current between the sample and the corner of Hall sensor. If the tunneling current is

observed in any corner, it means there is an obstacle on the sample surface and lift–off

distance must be increased in order to avoid crushing the sensor to the sample surface.

In this case, after increasing distance between the sample and the sensor, corner

checking process should be repeated. When ascertained that there is no contamination in

the scanning area, scanning is performed at certain height from the sample surface. One

of the drawbacks of this mode is that only magnetic imaging can be obtained, since

there is no feedback mechanism it is not possible to get topography image in this mode.

Besides this, as distance between the sample and the Hall sensor is a bit much compared

the other modes such as AFM or STM tracking modes, both spatial and magnetic

resolution are slightly decreased 3, 21


3.3.2 Real Time Mode

Another mode used in SHPM application is known as real time scanning mode.

Real time scanning mode does not use any feedback mechanism as in the case of lift–off

mode and scanning is completed with very fast scanning speed. The scan speed of the

real time is reported as 1 s/frame. The major difference between lift off and real time

mode is that obtained image is displayed once scanning is finished 3. Figure 3.7 shows

magnetic images of bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film under different external

magnetic field by using real time scanning mode in SHPM 25

. It is reported that these

images are taken less than 10 s with this mode.

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Figure 3.7: SHPM images of Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film taken by

using real time scanning mode. Values above images represent applied perpendicular

magnetic field to bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film 25


3.3.3 AFM/STM Tracking Mode

In STM tracking mode, firstly tilted sample is approached to the sensor via stick–

slip approach mechanism until the desired tunneling current flows between the sample

and the sensor. Tunneling current is measured at individual points on scanning area and

this current value is then sent to the SPM electronics as feedback so that the distance

between sensor and the sample is maintained at certain height throughout scanning

process 3. Typical tunneling current value used in STM tracking mode is around 0.1nA.

In the fabrication process of the Hall sensor, a metal structure (mostly gold is

preferred for metallization) is defined by optical lithography which will be used later as

STM tip for STM tracking mode. Figure 3.8 shows optical microscope image of the

Hall sensor which is patterned by photolithography and STM tip located left side of the

Hall cross 2.

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Figure 3.8: Optical microscope image of the Hall sensor designed and fabricated

for STM tracking mode 2.

In STM tracking mode, both topography and magnetic image can be obtained

simultaneously by choosing related image channel from SPM software. Distance

between the sample and the sensor is reduced in this mode and therefore high magnetic

field resolution can be obtained. One of the disadvantages of this mode is that only

conductive samples can be measured. Moreover, scanning speed is much slower in this

mode as compared the lift–off or real time mode since feedback mechanism is active

during scanning.

The other scanning method which uses feedback mechanism is AFM tracking

mode. The major benefit of this mode is that not only conductive samples but also non–

conductive samples can be investigated. It also provides high magnetic field resolution

as in the case of STM tracking mode since the tip can be brought very close to the

sample surface. In this mode, force between tip and sample can be measured with

various detection methods such as optical and piezoresistive detection systems.

Therefore, tip–sample separation can be precisely controlled 26


Operation of AFM tracking mode is very similar to that of STM tracking mode

with some exceptions. In AFM tracking mode, the sample is aligned parallel with

respect to Hall sensor as in the STM tracking. Then, it is pulled back to a safe distance

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in order to not to crush the sample to the sensor when the sample is tilted. As tilted

sample is approached to the sensor with stick–slip mechanism, resonance frequency of

the sensor shifts because of the tip–sample interactions and shift in the resonance

frequency is used as feedback instead of tunneling current in this mode.

There are two ways to produce sensor for AFM tracking mode. In the first way, an

AFM tip and Hall cross are fabricated in a single cantilever with different designs 27, 28,

29. Figure 3.9 (a) and (b) show the SEM images of such cantilever. In this work, they

fabricate the Hall cross on an AFM tip apex as is shown in bottom and left view in same

Figure 30

. They begin fabrication with defining 20 µm high pyramid of the cantilever by

wet etching process and then they deposited silicon nitride by using plasma–enhanced

CVD in order to provide electrical isolation between silicon and Hall cross region.

Finally, they patterned 400 nm Bismuth Hall cross structure on the center of the

pyramid by EBL and lift off process. Resonance frequency of this cantilever is

measured as 157 Hz. Figure 3.9 (c) and (d) show surface topography and magnetic

imaging results taken by using this cantilever 30


Alternatively, piezoelectric materials can be used for designing sensors which

have both magnetic sensing and distance control elements in a single cantilever.

However, piezoelectric material with a large piezoelectric coefficient and high mobility

should be preferred for better scanning results of topography and magnetic imaging. For

this purpose, n–Al0.4Ga0.6As is used in a few of the experimental works 29, 31

. Al

component in this alloy ensures that material have a higher piezoelectric coefficient.

Side and top views of such a cantilever is illustrated in Figure 3.10 (a) 31

. As is clearly

seen from SEM image, Hall cross and sharp AFM tip with 2–2.5 µm height is a few

micron away from each other in this cantilever (Figure 3.10 (b)). In this work, they

reported longitudinal piezoelectric coefficient of the material in [011] direction is 1.35 ×



at room temperature. They also measured quality factor and resonance

frequency of the sensor between 300–500 and 18–21 kHz respectively in environment

condition while quality factor increased to over 10,000 under a vacuum of

approximately 10-5

mBar. Besides, spatial resolution of the sensor is less than 1.5 µm

and Hall coefficient is measured as 3×103 Ω/T. Magnetic imaging and topography of

NiFe rectangles taken by this cantilever are given in Figure 3.10 (c) and (d) 31


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Figure 3.9: (a) SEM images of the Hall sensor integrated AFM tip apex for

different magnifications. (b) High magnification SEM image of Hall cross located at the

end of the silicon cantilever (c) and (d) topography and magnetic image of 40 MB

computer hard disk respectively 30


(c) (d)


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Figure 3.10: (a) The schematic illustrates top and side view of the cantilever

which consists of two sensors for both topography and magnetic imaging. (b) SEM

image of the fabricated sensor. Surface topography (c) and SHPM image of array of

NiFe rectangles 31


There are different designs and fabrication ways for combined cantilevers in

literature. Although having additional component for distance control is not necessary

and advantageous for the sensors produced with this way, it is not only high costly and

but also difficult method to fabricate. QTF is used as an alternative method in SHPM

for AFM tracking mode. For this purpose, the Hall sensor is mounted on top of the

commercially available QTF which is used as a force sensor for approaching

mechanism and control tip–sensor separation during scanning process in SHPM

application. In the following section, details of the theoretical and experimental aspects

of QTF as force sensor will be presented.

3.4 Quartz Tuning Fork Force Sensor for AFM Tracking Mode in SHPM

Piezoelectric effect is a property of some materials that can generate electrical

energy when they are subjected to mechanical pressure. After this phenomenon is

discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie, they reported piezoelectricity in their first paper

in 1880 32

. They also designed piezoelectric quartz electrometer which is capable of

measuring very small amounts of current values with high precision. Since then,

piezoelectric materials have been widely used either in engineering or in daily life such

as motors, lighter, musical instruments, keyboards, actuators or various kinds of


Nowadays, piezoelectric materials exist naturally as well as they can be

manufactured in any desired sizes and shapes. Quartz, tourmaline and Rochelle salt are

some of the examples of natural piezoelectric materials whilst lead zirconate–titanate,

barium titanate and silicon selenite are examples of synthetic ones 33

. Among them, the

most abundant natural piezoelectric material is known as quartz which is one of the

crystalline forms of silicon dioxide (SiO2). Quartz crystals have been employed in

various applications due to their unique properties such as high young modulus, high

mechanical stress and lack of hysteresis and pyroelectric effect 34

. One of the important

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and well known applications of quartz crystal is Quartz Tuning Fork(QTF). QTF can be

used in various fields. Most widely, the watch industry uses them since it is not only

low–priced and but also more precise than balance wheel. Besides, they have been used

in spectroscopic gas sensor which enables analyzing of samples with volume of 1 mm3

35. QTF is first implemented successfully in scanning probe microscopy by Günther et.

al. in 1989. They achieved 3 µm lateral resolution and 5 nm vertical resolution of a

grating sample with 8 µm periodicity by Scanning near–Field Acoustic Microscopy

(SNAM) 36

. Later, it has been applied to scanning near field optical microscope

(SNOM) for distance control and measuring shear force quantitatively 37

. It can be also

used in MFM in both room temperature and low temperature applications 38, 39

. In

addition to this, AFM takes advantage of QTF owing to its high quality factor and stable

resonance frequency. Using QTF in AFM both shear force and normal force can be

measured by attaching tip either perpendicular or parallel to oscillation direction

respectively. 100 nm lateral resolution has been reported in the earlier study by

attaching a tip with 150 nm apex to QTF 40

. One of the prominent studies by using QTF

in AFM has been performed by Franz Giessibl in 2000. In this work, he glued one of the

prongs of QTF to a substrate and mounted a sharp tungsten tip to the free prong. Then,

he managed to obtain atomic resolution image of Si (111) under vacuum condition

(Figure 3.11) 41


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Figure 3.11: AFM image of Si (111) under vacuum by using a sharp tip attached

to QTF 41


QTF works successfully in different condition such as low temperature, high

magnetic field or vacuum. Furthermore, QTF is superior than Si cantilever in some

respects. For example; it has high quality factor which allow measuring frequency shift

with higher accuracy and it has high stiffness which avoids tip jump into contact with

sample surface 42

. Therefore, it also took important place in SHPM application. In

SHPM, conductive samples are easily measured by STM tracking mode but for

nonconductive samples, AFM tracking mode has to be used. As previously mentioned,

there are different ways to fabricate Hall sensors for AFM tracking mode. Since

fabrication of Hall probe which includes both magnetic sensing and force sensing

element in a single cantilever is so difficult, alternative method is developed by using

QTF. In this method basically, fabricated Hall sensor is attached on top of QTF which

has 32,768 Hz resonance frequency (Figure 3.12 (a)). The details of the fabrication of

Hall sensor integrated QTF are as follows. First of all, electrical connections on printed

circuit board (PCB) should be checked individually by multimeter in order to confirm

that there is no short circuit between adjacent pads. Picture of PCB used in SHPM is

given Figure 3.12 (b). Then, a thin rectangular ceramic sheet is glued on top of PCB by

low temperature epoxy to provide electrical isolation between pads and QTF. Low

temperature epoxy is prepared with hardener and adhesive by mixing them under the

ratio of 1:2 in volume. The mixture should be applied to the desired pieces as soon as

possible before it hardens. Then, pieces are baked at 100°C in an oven to accelerate

drying for 20 minutes. Glued pieces can also be dried by leaving them at room

temperature for 1 day. Once PCB and ceramic sheet is glued together, QTF can be

prepared. Commercially available QTF is enclosed by metal shell under vacuum. QTF

can be extracted from its cylindrical metal package with the aid of pliers. In this step,

one should be very careful in order to inhibit damaging electrodes of QTF or break QTF

itself as it is a delicate material. Legs of QTF are made up of magnetic material.

Therefore, they need to be broken off by using soldering iron, because a magnetic

material around the sensor affects the measurements and scanning results. If soldering

iron touches to soldering joints and a magnet placed close enough to them, then legs are

attracted by the magnet and they can be easily removed from QTF. Extracted QTF

should be controlled under optical microscope before using it to ascertain that electrodes

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are not damaged. Then QTF is glued on ceramic sheet as flat possible by low

temperature epoxy as shown in Figure 3.12(c). Once epoxy dried, electrical connections

from QTF to PCB can be taken with thin non–magnetic wire by soldering. After all

electrical connections are controlled by multimeter, PCB should be cleaned with ACE

and IPA to remove contaminants on its pads and to provide maximum adhesion for the

wire bonding step. Finally, according to application, sensor to be used has to be

integrated on QTF. Sharp AFM tip is glued by metal epoxy while low temperature

epoxy is used to attach the Hall sensor metal to QTF (Figure 3.12 (d)). Fabricated Hall

sensor should be stored in a specially designed box as is shown Figure 3.12 (e).

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Figure 3.12: The pictures show process steps of fabrication of Hall sensor for

AFM tracking mode by using QTF. (a) Before (top) and after (bottom) QTF is removed

from its metal can. (b) The picture of PCB used throughout measurements during this

study. (c) and (d) pictures of QTF which is glued on the top of PCB and Hall sensor

attached to QTF respectively. (e) Dedicatedly designed boxes for Hall sensor storage.

Non–contact AFM technique was used to track the surface using a hall sensor that

is mounted on a QTF. In AFM tracking mode by using QTF, first of all, resonance

frequency of QTF is measured before it is approached to the surface. For this purpose,

QTF is oscillated by dither piezo for a predetermined frequency interval and phase and

amplitude of the signal is measured. Frequency value at which maximum amplitude

occurs is called as resonance frequency. Once resonance frequency of QTF is found,

PLL is locked to phase of the signal which comes from QTF. Since QTF is a

piezoelectric material when it is vibrated by dither piezo, it produces an electric signal

which is typically on the order of nano–Amperes. Generated AC current is amplified by

amplifier and converted to the voltage by I–V converter. Therefore, an AC signal which

corresponds to mechanical vibration is obtained. PLL is locked to input signal phase.

PLL shifts the frequency to keep the phase constant. In non–contact mode AFM shifted

frequency (Δf) signal is used as a feedback source. If the QTF is approached to the

sample surface, resonance frequency of the QTF shifts due to short range and long

range forces between tip and sample. Approaching is completed when Δf equals to the

set value entered in the software 3, 21

. Feedback loop keeps the Δf at that set point.

Frequency shift is directly proportional to gradient of force between tip and sample and

given by the equation 43


. (3.1)

In this equation, k is the spring constant and f0 is resonance frequency of QTF.

Moreover, quality factor of QTF is calculated by equation 3.2 44


. (3.2)

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Here, Q is the quality factor, f0 is resonance frequency and FWHM is full width half

maximum of resonance curve.

Resonance frequency of as received QTF used during study is 32,768 Hz and

resonance frequency of each QTF is measured by microscope and SPM software

program. In this way, QTF which has higher quality factor can be selected for scanning

application to obtain higher resolution as the SPM software calculates quality factor and

maximum phase automatically. Figure 3.13 shows dialog box of the SPM software for

QTF Auto tune. Once QTF with higher quality factor is distinguished, this sensor is

glued on top of QTF. That causes reduction in resonance frequency because of

additional mass coming from glue and Hall sensor on QTF. Resonance frequencies of

QTFs in air before and after fabricated Hall sensor attached are given in Figure 3.14 (a)

and (b) respectively. As is clearly seen from these graphs, central frequency is dropped

from 31,857 Hz to 12, 662 Hz after Hall sensor attached to it.

Figure 3.13: Picture of dialog box in SPM software for central frequency, quality

factor and maximum phase calculation.

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Figure 3.14: Resonance curve of QTF before (a) and (b) after Hall sensor attached

to QTF in ambient condition respectively.

Dynamics of QTF are examined in detail by Akram et. al 45

. For this purpose, they

described motion of QTF as one dimensional driven damped oscillator and they have

calculated resonance frequency of it by using both cantilever beam theory (CBT) and

simple harmonic motion (SHM). They have found resonance frequency of QTF as 31.7

kHz according to SHO and it was found to be 21.2 kHz according to CBT for QTF

whose mass is 2.13 mg with Hall sensor mass of 1.11 mg. In addition to this, they have

used COMSOL simulation program in order to obtain resonance frequency and then

they compared results with theoretical calculations. For this, they took into account two

situations in their simulation: a) both prongs are free and b) one prong is fixed to

relatively massive material with and without Hall sensor mounted. In the first situation

(both prongs free), there are two eigenmodes including in–phase (symmetric) where

both arms of QTF oscillate in the same direction and anti–phase (asymmetric) where

both arms oscillate in opposite direction 3, 45

. In the second situation (one prong free),

there is only symmetric mode. Simulation results show that resonance frequency of

symmetric mode is close to CBT while it is close to Simple Harmonic Oscillator (SHO)

for asymmetric mode. Finally, they fabricated GaN Quantum Well hall sensor and

mounted it on top of QTF. Figure 3.15 represents resonance frequency curve of QTF

attached GaN Hall sensor for one prong free and both prongs free situations and for two

different sizes of quartz tubes 45

. As is seen from this figure, theoretical calculations and

experimental results of resonance frequency agree with each other. Minor differences

result from mass of glue and Hall sensor 45



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Figure 3.15: Resonance frequency curve of QTF attached GaN Hall sensor for one

prong free and both prongs free situations and for two different sizes of quartz tubes 45


Last but not least, temperature dependency of QTF plays important role in SHPM

since piezo coefficients, resonance frequency and quality factor of QTF changes with

variations of temperature. It was reported that between 77 K and 300 K, resonance

frequency increases till 250 K then it starts to decline 3,21


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4.1 Introduction

Micro/nanofabrication allows manufacturing of devices with desired patterns on

a substrate for engineering or research purpose. Techniques to be used are chosen

according to features size, resolution, substrate type, reproducibility or speed of process.

For example; for structures with large feature sized (approximately bigger than 1–2 µm)

generally photolithography is preferred while electron beam lithography (EBL) can be

implemented for smaller features (down to 6–7 nm). Besides, photolithography is more

convenient and practical for mass production application. Each technique has its own

advantages and disadvantages. However, shrinking dimension of feature size is one of

the most prominent goals in all lithographic methods. According to Moore’s law,

number of components on a chip becomes two times more approximately every two

years 46

. This means that critical dimension (CD) produced on a substrate is reduced

with new technology and process development every passing day.

In this chapter, conventional device fabrication methods used in Hall sensor

production will be presented in detail. Device fabrication process consists of EBL,

optical lithography, dry and wet etching, packaging etc will be discussed thoroughly.

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Problems faced during fabrication and solutions developed are presented in this chapter.

In addition to this, recipes implemented for fabrication of Hall sensor are also provided.

4.2 Nanofabrication Techniques

4.2.1 Substrate Preparation

Wafers to be used in device fabrication must be as clean as possible, since

cleanness of the wafers directly affects production yield and performance of fabricated

device. It is easier to clean the pieces after cutting the wafers. Therefore, a second

cleaning is not needed for debris arising from cutting process.

In this work, we used 4 inch 285–300 nm dry chlorinated thermally grown SiO2

on top of 500–550 µm thick Si (supplied by Nova Electronic Materials) for graphene

Hall sensor and 3–inch semi–insulating GaAs (supplied by American Xtal

Techonology) wafers for Bismuth hall sensor. Surface orientation is [100] for both of

these wafers. As stated above, the wafers are diced into 1.5 × 1.5 cm2 or 2 × 2 cm

2 chips

with a diamond scriber to be compatible with mask used in optical lithography, before

cleaning procedure applied.

There is a number of different ways to clean the wafers and cleaning methods

should be selected according to the type of contaminants on the wafer. After cutting the

wafers into small pieces, we initially applied standard cleaning procedure which

consists of three stages, since the samples are unprocessed yet. During cleaning process,

different beakers are used for each chemical in order to avoid cross–contamination. In

the first step, the samples are placed in a beaker filled with analytical grade of acetone

(ACE) which solves most organic materials from the sample surface and kept in an

ultrasonic cleaner for 5 minutes. Ultrasonic cleaning is required to remove particularly

insoluble particulates. Secondly, the samples are soaked one after another in three

different beakers of acetone for 30 seconds without allowing them drying when it is

transferred from one beaker to another one. This process is repeated by using isopropyl

alcohol (IPA). Finally, the samples are flushed with IPA and dried with nitrogen gas.

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Completion of the sample cleaning with IPA provides to remove ACE residue from the

sample surface.

The other conventional way to remove organic molecules from the sample surface

is known as piranha cleaning. Even though there exist different mixture ratios for this

solution, we prepare 3:1 ratio of H2SO4 (95–97% concentration) to H2O2 (37%

concentration) mixture and pieces are kept in this solution for 5 minutes. Then, the

samples are immersed in deionized water (DI) and this is followed by nitrogen blow

dry. It must be noted that piranha solution is not generally used for GaAs cleaning,

because it etches GaAs substrate. Moreover, piranha is not only used for the wafer

cleaning but also it is widely used for photomask cleaning after repeatedly use of it in

photolithography, which will be discussed in the next section.

4.2.2 Optical Lithography

Optical lithography also known as photolithography is a technique which enables

transferring of desired patterns into a substrate by using ultraviolet light. Almost all

device fabrication flow includes a photolithography step due to its several benefits. One

the most significant advantageous of the photolithography is that many devices can be

fabricated at a time. Additionally, it can produce micron sized or smaller structure on

the sample even though it is relatively low–cost and easy to use method when you

compare to the other lithography tools such as EBL.

Once the wafer is diced and cleaned as discussed in the previous section, pieces

are initially baked at a temperature between 120–150° C in order to remove water

molecule on the samples surface. This step is known as dehydration bake and it is

necessary to get better adhesion between the substrate and photoresist film. After the

dehydration baking, the substrates are coated with photosensitive material which is

composed of resin, solvent and photoactive compound (PAC). Most of the solvent in the

photoresist is evaporated during spin coating and soft baking steps and these results in

reduction of photoresists film thickness. The soft baking is substantial because it not

only solidifies the photoresist so that resist does not stick to an optical mask but also it

enhances photoresist to substrate adhesion further. Next, the substrate is aligned with a

photomask which contains chromium patterns on a quartz plate. In our experiment, we

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used the 4 × 4 inch mask to be compatible with mask aligner machines in the facilities

we used. Structures on the mask are designed with AutoCAD program and

manufactured by ML&C GmbH. Figure 4.1 shows the entire photomask having 34

different layers of patterns for Hall sensor fabrication. After alignment of the physical

mask, the substrate is illuminated by the ultraviolet (UV) light. There are several

exposure modes in photolithography such as contact, proximity and projection. Among

them, the best resolution approximately 0.07 µm is possible with projection mode;

nevertheless it is very expensive system. For our experiment, contact printing system is

used and we could achieve around 2–3 µm lithographic resolution. Disadvantage of this

method is that the photomask can be easily damaged and it becomes dirty after almost

every usage because the mask is in hard contact with the resist coated substrate. In order

to remove the resist residue on the mask surface, it was cleaned with acetone in each

usage and piranha cleaning was applied once every two or three months. Furthermore,

having a gap between the photomask and the sample result in diffraction which limits

the resolution of contact lithography. This problem generally arises from particles on

the mask and presence of edge bead on the substrate. To avoid this, edges of the coated

sample are scratched with scalpel or any other sharp material and the mask should be

kept as clean as possible.

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Figure 4.1: The entire mask design which is used for Hall sensor fabrication.

Photoresist being a polymer changes its structure during UV light exposure and it

can be sorted into two groups: positive tone and negative tone resists. In positive resists,

exposed regions become more soluble in a chemical developer because chain–scission

occurs in polymer while areas under mask patterns remain insoluble. On the other hand,

solubility of a negative resist decreases during exposure because polymer is cross–

linked. Figure 4.2 illustrates comparison of the process flow for both negative and

positive tone resists. There are various commercially available photoresist. Since each

resist is required different amount of energy and consequently different exposure time,

suggested exposure energy given in the technical data sheet for individual resist should

be used initially to determine the optimum exposure time. Exposure time can be

calculated by dividing exposure dose by a constant UV light intensity of the mask

aligner system used. Two mask aligner systems are available at Sabancı University. The

exposure intensity of Karl Suss MA6 located at faculty clean room is 1.6 mW / cm2

whereas it varies up to 30 mW/cm2 for Midas / MDA–60MS placed at Nanotechnology

Research and Application Center (SUNUM). Light intensity of Midas mask aligner

monitored by lamp power supply unit is set to 25 mW/cm2 therefore; less exposure time

is required with this equipment compared to Karl Suss. Figure 4.3 shows an optical

microscope image of Hall sensor design after development by implementing positive

lithography in order to show resolution limits of Midas machine.

Cleaned Substrate

Resist Coating andBaking




UV Exposure


Positive ResistNegative Resist

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Figure 4.2: Process flow of the photolithography for both negative and positive resist.

Figure 4.3: Process flow of the photolithography for both negative and positive resist.

AZ 5214E is preferred during all photolithography steps of hall sensor fabrication

due to its numerous advantages. It is an image reversal resist which means that even

though it is a positive tone resist, it enables to produce negative tone images. For this

purpose, after standard mask exposure, the samples are baked at a temperature above

110° C known as post bake step. Later, the samples are exposed to the UV light without

physical mask. This process is called as flood exposure. Flood exposure is required

minimum 150 mJ/cm 2 doses for AZ 5214E photoresist but further optimization is done

by changing the exposure time. Finally, the samples are developed with a compatible

developer to AZ 5214E such as AZ 726 MIF, OPD 4280 or AZ 400K. AZ 726 MIF and

OPD 4280 are ready–to–use developers while AZ 400K is diluted with 1:4 ratio before

use it. Our procedure to determine the development time is as follows for image reversal

lithography: first we dip the sample into the developer until the designed patterns on the

sample can be seen by naked eye. Then, we wait for 10 s in order to obtain better

undercut profile. Development is followed by a dip in DI water in order to stop

development for 15 seconds and N2 blow–dried. Image reversal process plays an

important role in the optical lithography because it generates an undercut sidewall

profile which is desirable especially for lift–off process. Parameters of both positive and

10 µ

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image reversal process for AZ 5214E photoresist are summarized in Table 4.1 and

Table 4.2 respectively.

Table 4.1: Summary of the positive lithography process parameters optimized for two

different mask aligner systems are given.

Karl Suss MA6

(1.6 mW/cm2)

Midas / MDA–60MS

(25 mW/cm2)

Dehydration Bake 120° C for 2 minutes 120° C for 2 minutes

Spin Coating 6,000 rpm for 45 s 6,000 rpm for 45 s

Prebake 100° C for 2 minutes 105° C for 1 minutes

Exposure 120 s

2 s


AZ 726 MIF: 30 s

AZ 726 MIF: 50s

OPD 4280: 30 s

AZ 400K/DI (1:4): 30 s

Table 4.2: Summary of image reversal process parameters optimized for two different

mask aligner systems are given.

Karl Suss MA6

(1.6 mW/cm2)

Midas / MDA–60MS

(25 mW/cm2)

Dehydration Bake 120° C for 2 minutes 120° C for 2 minutes

Spin Coating 6,000 rpm for 45 s 6,000 rpm for 45 s

Prebake 90 ° C for 2 minutes 90 ° C for 2 minutes

Exposure 20 seconds 2 s

Post Bake 115° C for 2 minutes 115° C for 2 minutes

Flood Exposure 180 seconds 11.6 s


AZ 726 MIF: 90 s

AZ 726 MIF: 25 s

OPD 4280: 20 s

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4.2.3 Electron Beam Lithography

EBL is a prominent tool in device fabrication since it enables to fabricate

structures with feature size as small as sub–10 nm. There are several advantageous of

EBL over photolithography. For instance, resolution is not diffraction limited. Besides,

no physical mask is required in order to transfer pattern onto the substrate surface,

which makes this technique more flexible in arbitrary pattern designing.

The most remarkable property of EBL is its capability of generating high

resolution nano–patterns. In photolithography, resolution of lithography is primarily

limited by wavelength and it is given by Rayleigh equation 47


. (4.1)

where k1 is the constant between 0.4–0.8, is the wavelength of radiation and NA is the

numerical aperture of exposure system 47

. As is seen from the equation 4.1, the shorter

wavelength is used, the better resolution can be achieved. The shortest wavelength of

light used in optical lithography is 193 nm 48

. On the other hand, de Broglie wavelength

of electron is 0.0086 nm for 20 keV electron energy, which is used generally in EBL

system integrated to scanning electron microscopy (SEM). This shorter wavelength

enables to get around 0.52 nm atomic resolution which makes it possible to obtain

nanostructures with much higher resolution when you compare to the resolution

achieved in photolithography 49

. By using high energetic electron beam, wavelength of

electrons can be further reduced.

Process flow of EBL resembles in many aspects to photolithography except that a

focused beam of electrons is used for exposure of the resist coated substrate instead of

UV light. First of all, the samples are cleaned with the standard cleaning procedure as

discussed previously and the cleaned samples are covered by resist which is sensitive to

electron beam by using spin coating method. As in the photolithography, there are two

different classes of resists for EBL application called as positive and negative resist.

Polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) is the most widely used positive EBL resist, since it

is able to produce high resolution structures and it is suitable for lift–off process. When

the positive resist is exposed by the electron beam, it becomes more soluble in the

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developer and exposed area can be removed from the substrate surface. PMMA with

different molecular weight is commercially available. However, PMMA having

molecular weight of 495 K and 950 K are extensively used in EBL application.

Sensitivity and contrast of e–beam resist depend on molecular weight. The lower

molecular weight means that the resist is more sensitive but has lower contrast and

provides lower resolution. Beside this, generally chlorobenzene and anisole are used as

a solvent of PMMA. When concentration of solvent increases, the resist becomes more

viscous. The final film thickness of PMMA in chlorobenzene is a bit thicker than

PMMA in anisole for the same amount of solvent concentration. In addition, anisole is

less harmful to environment and human body therefore, it is more preferably. On the

other hand, a focused electron beam exposure of a negative e–beam resists result in

cross–linking in the polymer chain. Consequently, negative e–beam resist becomes

insoluble in the developer after exposure. HSQ (Hydrogen Silsesqioaxene) is the most

common negative resist because of the fact that it not only offers very high resolution

less than 10 nm but also it is used for etch mask because of its high resistance to

chemicals 50

. It can be diluted with MIBK in order to obtain resist with different

concentration and thickness. HSQ as Fox 12 (Flowable Oxide) is preferred as negative

e–beam resist in this work. During this work, resist having different thickness,

molecular weight and tone is used according to necessity. Thickness of e–beam resist

can be measured by the surface profiler by scratching the baked samples with a sharp

tweezers or a scalpel. Step height measurement of the PMMA and any other resist film

thickness are measured by KLA–Tencor P6 surface profiler. Spin speed is another

factor which directly affects the thickness of the resist and it is decreased by increasing

spin speed. After coating the samples, they are baked at a recommended temperature in

order to evaporate solvent in the resist and make the resist harder. HSQ is baked at two

steps: first at 150° C for 2 min subsequently, 220° C for 5 min while PMMA is baked at

180 ° C for 1 hour. The samples become ready for electron beam exposure, after spin

coating and baking.

When the electron beam is passed through the e–beam resist on top of the

substrate, inelastic and elastic electrons scattering take place either in the resist or in the

substrate which limits the resolution of EBL. These electrons scattering result in pearl–

shaped volume in the resist. The volume of the pearl–shaped depends on mainly

electron energy. When electrons are more the energetic, they will penetrate deeper.

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Some of the incident electrons change their direction with small angle after they collide

with resist electrons. They also transfer a portion of their energy (inelastic scattering)

and this is called forward scattering. On the other hand, very few of the incident

electrons collide with atoms in the substrate without losing their energy (elastic

scattering). If they can get back to the resist from the substrate, they expose the resist

additionally. In this case, they make wide angle scattering and this is called as back

scattering. Undesired exposure of the resist due to back scattering of electrons is known

as proximity effect. It results in getting different structure size and shape from the actual

designed pattern size. In fact, it can cause irrecoverable lift–off problem on fabricated

structures. Range of proximity effect depends directly on many parameters such as: the

substrate type, accelerating voltage of electrons and resist thickness. Proximity effect

becomes one of the challenges which users try to overcome this problem. Various

solutions are developed to minimize the proximity effect. Some of them can be listed as


Increasing acceleration voltage.

Preferring bi–layer resist process.

Using dose modulation program which adjust dose for particularly large

area dense patterns.

After exposing the resist, development process is carried out according to the

resist tone. When the positive resist is used, regions exposed to electron beam become

more soluble in the developer. For PMMA being a positive resist, different ratios of

Methyl Isobutyl Ketone (MIBK) and IPA mixture can be used as the developer. The

best resolution is obtained with 1:3 MIBK: IPA, even though sensitivity is low at this

concentration. When the negative resist is exposed with focused electron beam, as a

result of cross linking reactions in the e–beam resist, irradiated areas becomes insoluble

in the develop. In this study, HSQ is preferred for negative lithography application and

it is developed by using TMAH based developer. EBL process flow for positive and

negative resist is shown Figure 4.4.

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Figure 4.4: Process flow of the EBL for both negative and positive resist tone.

Well–defined undercut profile plays a major role in both photolithography and

EBL particularly for lift–off process. Producing undercut profile in EBL is easier than

photolithography since volume of electron interaction become larger in the deeper part

of e–beam resist layer 51

. In EBL, the best method for this profile is achieved by bilayer

lithographic process. In this process, a high molecular weight e–beam resist is spin

coated on top of another e–beam resist which has lower molecular weight. As

mentioned above, the resist with lower molecular weight is more sensitive and develops

faster than higher molecular weight PMMA in the developer after e–beam exposure,

which leads to create undercut shape. Two different recipes are used for bilayer process.

In the first one, the substrate is spin coated with 495 K PMMA–C2 at 5,000 rpm (50 s)

and baked at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. After the sample is cooled down, subsequently the

second layer 950 K PMMA–A2 at 4,000 rpm (50 s) is coated and placed on a hot plate

at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. The resist on the top is dropped to substrate when the spinner

is working at very low speed (100 rpm for 2 second) in order to prevent intermixing of

these two resist layers. This is the most critical step in the bilayer process as it can ruin

final pattern structures. In the second recipe, PMMA and its copolymer MMA (8.5)

EL11 is used in order to get undercut resist profile. In this case, in the beginning MMA

is spin coated at 6,000 rpm for 45 s and baked for 5 minutes at 180° C. Later, A2 950 K

PMMA–A2 is dropped the surface while spin coater is at 1,000 rpm for 4 second , as in

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the previous transaction, and samples are baked for 5 minutes at 180° C. After coating

is completed, the samples are developed 1:3 MIBK: IPA for 1 minute and followed by a

dip IPA for 15 seconds to stop development. Finally, the samples are blow dried with

N2 and then metal evaporation can be performed. The Figure 4.5 illustrates fabrication

procedure of undercut profile and lift–off process for bilayer system.

Figure 4.5: Schematic illustration of fabrication steps for bilayer system.

Exposure of the focused electron beam is the most crucial step in EBL. Electron

beam exposure is performed with two different systems in this study. The first system is

Nabity Pattern Generation System (NPGS) which is integrated to field–emission SEM

(Zeiss Leo Supra 35VP with Gemini column) located at Sabancı University. SEM

machine and computer of NPGS communicate via Remcon32.exe interface software on

the SEM computer. Process flow starts with spin coating independently from exposure

system. Once the substrate is spin coated, resist residue on backside of the sample

High Molecular Weight PMMA

Low Molecular Weight PMMA

Electron Exposure Development

Spin CoatedSubstrate

Metal Evaporation


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should be cleaned with ACE so that the sample surface is in level as much as possible.

Then, four corners of the samples are scratched by diamond scriber to obtain tiny

particles on the sample surface which will be used for adjustments of focus and

correction of astigmatism later. The electron beam has to be properly focused before

EBL application for high resolution patterning. For this purpose, image of these small

particles on the surface is initially acquired at low magnification and step by step

magnification is increased up to 3,000k After all the calibration is finished, electron

beam has to be moved to the center of the Faraday cup which is located on the sample

holder in order to measure beam current. The gold electroplated sample holder consists

of a lot of holes with 0.5 mm radius on it. Faraday cup is prepared by dripping liquid

carbon paste on one out of these holes. Beam current depends directly on aperture sizes

and it decreases with smaller aperture size. There are different aperture sizes ranging

from 7.5 µm to 120 µm. But, only 10 µm aperture sized is used in all EBL processes.

Beam current was measured around 30 pA for 30 kV and 20 pA for 15 kV EHT voltage.

After measuring beam current, firstly x–y–focus should be accomplished in case there is

tilt on the sample surface due to dusts on back side of the sample, inhom*ogeneities on

resist surface etc. NPGS calculates working distance values and sent to microscope for

each point on sample by using x–y–focus mode.

Prepared pattern file is inserted Run File Editor which allows defining writing

conditions. Some of the parameters in the run file are as follows: center to center

distance, line spacing, measure beam current, area (line or point) dose and

magnification. Area dose given in the equation 4.2 is applied for filled polygon shapes

for this study 52

. It is also possible to determine the entity type of the designed file in the

run file editor such as array, alignment or pattern.


Patterns are created according to resist tone in DesignCAD drawing program

which is supplied by NPGS system. In DesignCAD program, patterns can be assigned

to different layers which allow exposing the components in the same design file with

different exposure parameters. It is always better to determine optimal dose for specific

pattern. There are two ways to do this. In the first way, pattern is arrayed by using

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DesignCAD program. Each element in the design file is assigned with different color

and each color represents different exposure dose. However, when DesignCAD program

was used for finding optimum dose of Hall sensor pattern (Figure 4.6 (a)), lift–off

problem occurred. Figure 4.6 shows SEM image of Hall sensor after 3 nm chromium

and 30 nm gold coated and lifted–off.

Figure 4.6: (a) Screenshot of Hall sensor array designed in DesignCAD program. (b)

SEM image of hall sensor patterns after lift–off process.

Optimum dose can also be found by using array mode in Run File Editor. All

parameters such as array spacing, number of rows and columns are entered in Run file

Editor instead of making it in DesignCAD file. The software calculates required dwell

time once beam current and exposure dose entered. In this case, designed pattern is

exposed at a different dose one after another according specified dosed in editor. It is

supposed that lift–off problem of Hall sensor is solved with this method due to the fact

that Run File allows exposing patterns with smaller writing field and higher

magnification (Figure 4.7 (a)). Applied exposure dose varies from 150 μC/cm2

to 550

μC/cm2 in this test and optimum dose for 100 nm Hall cross sized sensor is determined

as approximately 230 μC/cm2

according to SEM image (Figure 4.7 (b)). As is seen

from this image, although we overcome the lift–off problem, we came up with the

difficulty of discontinuity at two junction legs on hall cross area. This problem is

resolved by dividing Hall cross pattern into two parts as shown in Figure 4.8 (a). Since

a b

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Hall cross area has smaller feature and delicate, first Hall cross part is exposed and then

legs of Hall sensor is exposed to electron beam separately. 200 nm overlap between

Hall cross and legs was sufficient for desired design. SEM image of fabricated Hall

sensor designed according to this is given in Figure 4.8 (b).

Figure 4.7: (a) SEM image of hall sensor patterns arrayed by Run File Editor (b) after

lift–off process.

Figure 4.8: (a) Screenshot of 100 nm Hall sensor designed in DesignCAD program (b)

SEM image of fabricated 100nm Hall sensor pattern.

(a) (b)


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Although NPGS is capable to produce various patterns with different electron

energy and aperture sizes, there exist some restrictions in this system. One of them is

that, specimen current is relatively low because of low high extra high tension (EHT)

voltage, which causes longer exposure time. Also, alignment process takes considerable

amount of time, since it is done one at a time manually. In addition to this, there is no

proximity effect correction (PEC) algorithm embedded on the system. Therefore,

proximity effect is a limiting factor for densely packed patterns. Advanced EBL systems

may overcome these problems successfully. In this study, we have also used dedicated

EBL instrument (EBPG 5000+ ES from Vistec). This system is superior to EBL

integrated to SEM in many aspects. For instance; it has laser interferometer stage which

provides very fast movement with high field stitching accuracy (+/–15 nm at 100 µm.)

Also, range of beam currents is not limited as in the case of SEM converted system.

EBPG system offers successfully working beam current varies from 50 pA up to 150

nA, which is measured Faraday cup placed on substrate holder. Therefore, writing time

can be reduced by using high beam current for large area patterns and low specimen

current can be preferred for structures with smaller feature sizes to obtain higher

resolution as spot size (diameter of electron beam) decreased. Although, this system can

be operated with 50 keV and 100 keV electron beam energy, exposure with this

machine was performed at 100 keV with several different doses. Moreover, it is

possible to manufacture photomasks with this system since it provides not only high

beam currents but also it is equipped with 5 inch mask holder.

AutoCAD program is preferred for pattern generation although patterns to be

fabricated can be designed by various drawing software programs. Once design file is

prepared, LayoutBEAMER supplied by GenISys is used to convert this file into a

readable format in Vistec machine. It is user friendly software which allows not only

fracturing patterns into subfield and but also editing designed file by rotating, extracting

layers, biasing patterns, reversing tone etc. Converted file is loaded a graphical user

interface called CJOB supplied by EBPG5000+ system. By using CJOB interface, one

can set exposure dose, make array of designed patterns, define identifier and alignment

marker etc.

One of the primary factors which significantly affect resolution of fabricated

structure in EBL process is proximity effect. As it is mentioned above, using high EHT

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voltage and PEC can minimize this problem. Particularly, densely packed patterns are

suffering from proximity effect. PEC is provided by LayoutBEAMER program in

Vistec machine. In this program, a computational technique called Monte Carlo

simulation which models electron beam and substrate interaction is used. Monte Carlo

simulation generates not only trajectory of each electron when electron beam penetrates

a solid according to material type, thickness and electron energy but also calculates

point spread function (PSF). Psf file generated for specific resist thickness, substrate

type and electron energy are inserted in LayouBEAMER program for each pattern.

Figure 4.9 (a) shows the optical microscope image of Hall sensor pattern (50 nm Hall

cross size) after the sample developed without implementing PEC. The EBL parameters

used in this work were 180 pA beam current, 1 nm step size and 750 μC/cm2


dose (same dose is applied for whole pattern). It is clearly seen from this figure, regions

between pads of Hall sensor are also reluctantly exposed which can cause shortcut

problem after metallization, while tip of pattern seems properly exposed according to

color contrast of the image. This problem is corrected by using PEC function. Hall cross

pattern implemented by PEC is shown in figure 4.9 (b). Color scale shows dose factor

of the layout and it varies from 0.5 to 2 for this layout. According to simulation, dose

increases at the edge of pattern.

Figure 4.9: (a) The optical microscope image of 50 nm Hall sensor after development

(b) Simulation of Hall cross pattern after implemented by PEC.

(a) (b)

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Determining optimum dose for each pattern is required for also this system in

order to obtain correct sized pattern without having any lift–off problem. For this

purpose, we initially performed dose array which varies from 300 μC/cm2 to 1200

μC/cm2. From this test result, it is found that 800 μC/cm

2 exposure dose was the closest

value to get desired size. The SEM images of 50 nm Hall sensor at different

magnifications after 5nm Cr/30 nm Au evaporation and lift–off in acetone are presented

in Figure 4.10 (a) and (b). 500 μC/cm2

is used as base dose in this sample so that Hall

cross area is exposed with around 800 μC/cm2 according to PEC simulation. Minimum

Hall cross sized obtained with Vistec machine by using 950 K PMMA–C2 (100 nm

thickness) was around 20 nm which is shown in Figure 4.11. Thinner resist could

further reduce cross size.

Figure 4.10: (a) and (b) the SEM images of 50 nm Hall sensor at different

magnifications after 5nm Cr/30 nm Au evaporation and lift–off in acetone.

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Figure 4.11: The SEM image of 21 nm sized Hall cross by using 950 K PMMA–C2.

Last but not least, alignment procedure is easier in Vistec machine than EBL

system based on SEM. In this case, only three alignment markers are used for entire

sample which significantly shorten alignment process time to a few minutes. Moreover,

focus adjustment and astigmatism correction is not necessary and this makes the system

easy to use.

Although it has several advantageous over photolithography, there are also some

drawbacks of EBL. One of them is that they are high costly machines and maintenance

is required regularly. Besides, evaporated film thickness must be thirty percent less than

resist thickness which also limits application fields, since. In addition to this, proximity

effect limits to obtain high resolution structure though there exists some solution to

avoid it.

4.2.4 Etching Process

Etching process is frequently used micro/nanofabrication for removal of intended

material. There are many fundamental parameters which should be taken into account

for all etching process such as selectivity, uniformity, reproducibility, etching direction

and etch rates. One of the most important parameter is etching profile. In isotropic

etching, etching rates is same for all direction while horizontal etching rate and vertical

etching rate are different to each other in anisotropic etching. Besides, etch rates should

be determined before etching real samples in order to prevent over etching since it is

irreversible process. Each material has different etching ratio for different etcher. This is

called selectivity and generally highly selective etcher is preferred in order to obtain

desired structures properly. Both dry etching and wet etching are used during

fabrication of Hall sensor according to necessity. In the next subsection, detail of

etching methods and recipes used in this study will be explained. Wet etching

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Wet etching is a liquid based etching method as name referred and it involves

chemical reaction between solution and material to be etched. It gives generally

isotropic profile with some exceptions. It is preferred frequently since it provides high

selectivity and reproducibility. In addition, it is an inexpensive and simple technique

compared to dry etching.

Hall sensor fabrication begins with cleaning of the substrates and recess etch.

Recess etch is required in order to prevent shortcut between electrical connections of

sensor and sample while the sensor is scanning the sample surface. For this purpose,

end of contact pads are etched around 50–60 µm deep before contact pad formation.

This step is very critical, since if undercut profile occur during optical lithography, this

can cause discontinuity in contact pads. In this work, semi–insulating GaAs used as

substrate is etched for recess formation. The sample is first spin coated with AZ 5214E

by spinning 4,000 rpm for 40 s, which provides around 1.5 µm resist thickness. Then,

prebake is done at 105 ° C for 1 minute. The sample is illuminated for 2 seconds by

using Midas mask–aligner system and after exposure, development is performed by AZ

726 MIF for 50s. Developed samples are rinsed in DI water for a longer time in this

case. Because of the fact that developer is a basic solution and if developer residue

remains on the sample surface, after dipping in an acid solution, this creates salt on the

sample surface which cannot be removed occasionally. Then samples are baked at 120 °

C for 2 minutes for hard bake process. Hard baking step also plays critical role for this

progress, since it improves adhesion resist to substrate surface and makes resist more

durable in chemical solution. Finally the sample is immersed in HCl:H2O2:H2O solution

at volume ratios of 4:7:55. Etch rate with this recipe is found as approximately 1

µ/minute. However, it is also observed that, etch rate decreases with passing time. Light

microscope image of etched sample by using this recipe is given in Figure 4.12 (a) and

(b) and etching profile is shown in Figure 4.12 (c) and (d).

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Figure 4.12: (a), (b) The optical microscope and (c), (d) the SEM images of recess


Wet etching is also used in mesa step formation for fabrication of Hall sensor. It is

necessary in order to bring tip of the sensor the closest to the sample surface. In this

case, slow etch rate is required since 1.5–2 µm deep etching is fairly enough for our

purpose. EBL is implemented for patterning, just because it ensures higher alignment

accuracy than photolithography. We performed two different recipes. For the first one,

950 K PMMA–C2 which has 100 nm resist thickness by spinning 6,000 rpm for 45 s is

used. Even though hard bake at is applied after EBL, all resist on the sample surface has

been removed before desired etch thickness is achieved. This problem is solved by

using bilayer process. The sample is spin coated by 950 K PMMA–A2 and its

copolymer MMA (8.5) EL11 as explained in the previous section, which gives

approximately 550 µm resist thickness. Next, the sample is exposed with 550 μC/cm2

base dose by using PEC function. After development with 1:3 MIBK:IPA solution for

60 s, the sample is baked at 100 ° C (post bake). Then, the sample is immersed in

H2S4O4:H2O2:H2O solution at volume ratios of 1:8:40 for 60 s, which gives around 1.5

200 µ

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

50 µ


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µm etch thickness. Mesa step is generally done after Hall sensor pattern is defined,

because it causes non–uniform resist coating for the next lithography steps if it is done

beforehand. The SEM image of mesa formation performed by this recipe is shown in

Figure 4.13. Dry etching is also implemented for mesa formation, but applications of

dry etch decrease production yields of fabricated sensors which will be discussed in the

next section.

Figure 4.13: SEM image of mesa formation on Bismuth Hall sensor. Dry etching

Dry etching is chemical or physical process where ions in gas introduced to the

chamber interacts with a substrate to be etched 53

. Both isotropic and anisotropic profile

can be obtained with this method. Besides, etch profile and etch rate can be controlled

by changing pressure, temperature, applied power and ratios of gas. Dry etching can be

classified into three groups; physical etching, chemical etching and physical chemical

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etching. In physical dry etch, highly energetic ions knock out atoms from sample

surface. In chemical dry etch, chemical reactions result in etching.

There are two different reactive ion etching (RIE) systems available in SUNUM

facility: chlorine based and fluorine based. F–based system is used for both oxygen

plasma and SiO2/Si etching. It is equipped with gas cylinder of O2, C4F8, Ar and Sf6.

Oxygen plasma removes organic materials from the sample surface by chemical

reaction and it is used in Hall sensor fabrication for several purposes. In Graphene Hall

probe (GHP) fabrication, after Hall cross pattern is defined by positive optical

lithography or EBL, oxygen plasma is used to etch unprotected graphene region with

resist in order to pattern graphene layer. The process parameters are 20 sccm O2 flow, in

a 100 W RIE power, 37.5 mTorr pressure. It is determined that 9 second completely

removes single–layer graphene by using given recipe. If oxygen plasma is applied

longer than this length of time, it can also etch not only side wall of resist, since resist is

also an organic material, but also graphene itself which results obtaining smaller pattern

size than desired. Furthermore, oxygen plasma is also indispensible for Bismuth Hall

sensor fabrication. In conventional Hall sensor fabrication, Hall cross is defined after a

number of lithography steps, which leaves a few nm resist residue on the sample

surface. Therefore, resist residue causes adhesion problem particularly for smaller size

Hall sensor. We resolved this problem by applying oxygen plasma before spin coating

with e–beam resist. Figure 4.14 (a) presents Bismuth Hall sensor which has not been

applied oxygen plasma before spin coating with e–beam resist. As it is seen from the

figure, there is no Hall cross defined by EBL due to adhesion problem whereas applying

oxygen plasma before spin coating overcame this problem shown in Figure 4.14 (b).

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Figure 4.14: (a) and (b) SEM image of Bismuth Hall sensor without and with

oxygen plasma application before e–beam resist coating respectively.

Oxygen plasma is also used for enhancing adhesion of contact pads to the

substrate surface. For this purpose, after contact pads formation by photolithography,

oxygen plasma is implemented for 8–9 s by provided recipe before metal evaporation.

This step particularly plays very critical role in wire bonding of both GHP and Bismuth

hall sensor.

F–based system is used also SiO2/Si etching. The mesa which serves as AFM tip

was obtained in GHP by etching SiO2/Si wafer around 830 nm. 285 nm of SiO2 layer

was etched with C4F8/O2: 50/5 sccm; ICP power: 1,750 W; RIE power: 100 W;

pressure: 7 mTorr for 45 s and this is followed by 545 nm Si was etched with

C4F8/SF6:45/25sccm; ICP power: 1500 W; RIE power: 35 W; pressure: 15 mTorr for 3

minutes (Figure 4.15). After plasma etching, photoresist on the sample surface is

removed with ACE and followed by N2 blow dry. If there is still resist residue left on

the sample surface, the sample can be immersed in AZ–100 remover which strips resist

residue by either leaving it in this solution for one day at room temperature or 10

minutes at 80° C.

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Figure 4.15: The optical microscope image of GHP after mesa formation.

In the early stage of this work, mesa step of Bismuth Hall sensor fabricated on

GaAs substrate is performed by using RIE system located in Advanced Research

Laboratory’s clean room at Bilkent University. Process parameters are 25 sccm CCl2F2

flow, in a 100 W RF power and 0.4 mBar pressure for 15 minutes. The Figure 4.16

shows the (a) top view and (b) tilted SEM images of a Bismuth Hall sensor whose mesa

step is performed by given recipe. As seen from these images, after resist removed from

the sample by dipping it in ACE, Bismuth grains on Hall cross area are also peeled off

which is observed almost all die and causes a big connection problem. In addition,

photoresist residues remained on the surface particularly, near edge of the chip which

significantly affects performance of Hall sensor. Then, Cl based RIE system which is

located in SUNUM and is equipped with gas cylinder of BCl3, Cl2 and Ar are used for

same purpose. Process parameters are 30 sccm BCl3 and 50 sccm Cl2 flow, in a 100 W

RF power, 800 W ICP power and 7 mTorr pressure. 45 seconds etch is performed in

order to etch 1.5 µm GaAs (Figure 4.16 (c) and (d)). Although successful etching is

performed with this recipe, since gas line of BCl3 is easily clogged, we decided using

wet etching for this step.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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Figure 4.16: The SEM images of Bismuth Hall sensor after mesa formation.

4.2.5 Thermal Evaporation

Thermal evaporation is one of the most widely used for metal deposition in device

fabrication. In this method, source material to be deposited is heated until it is

evaporated or sublimated by applying high current under vacuum condition. In this

study, two different box coaters are used. The first one is supplied by Nanovak and it is

used for evaporation of Au, Cr, Ti and Bi. The second evaporation system is supplied

by Torr International which is equipped with both e–beam and thermal evaporator part.

In e–beam evaporation, high energetic electron beam cause evaporation of the source

material to be deposited. One of the advantages of e–beam evaporation over thermal

evaporation is that e–beam heats only the source material and this results obtaining thin

film with higher purity.

In the fabrication of Hall sensor, after contacts pads which provides electrical

connection from Hall cross area are patterned by image reversal optical lithography, 10

nm Cr and 200 nm Au are evaporated to the sample surface for metallization of contact

pads of both GHP and Bismuth Hall probe. Next, the sample is immersed in ACE for

lift–off process. Since adhesion of Au to the substrate surface is quite poor, Cr or Ti are

used before Au evaporation as an adhesion layer. Otherwise, Au can peel off easily

from the sample surface. Deposition rate during evaporation of contact pads is around 1

A/s for Cr while it is 5 A/ s for Au. Besides, evaporation of Bismuth pellets used as Hall

sensor material is performed at very slow evaporation rate approximately 0.1–0.2 A/s.

Since surface of Bismuth pieces is oxidized quickly, Bismuth pellets are immersed 1:5

ratio of HCl : DI water solution in volume for 5 minutes before evaporation. In addition

to this, we have not used Cr as adhesion layer for Bismuth evaporation. The SEM

images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor (a) with and (b) without Cr used as adhesion layer

are given in Figure 4.17. As is seen from these figures, evaporation of Cr before

Bismuth makes grain size of Bismuth much larger. It is also observed that even though

EBL parameters are exactly same for both samples, size of Hall cross is around 20 nm

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bigger when Cr is used before Bismuth evaporation. Therefore, we preferred to not to

use adhesion layer for Bismuth Hall sensor.

Figure 4.17: The SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor (a) with and (b)

without evaporation of Cr as adhesion layer before Bismuth metal.

4.2.6 Dicing and Wire Bonding

Wafer to be used in device fabrication is cut by a scriber into pieces whereas once

mesa formation of the samples is completed; the sample is diced into 64 pieces by

automatic dicing saw supplied by Disco. Since distance between the sensors have been

designed on mask to be 100 µ, it is compulsory to use dicer at the last step. Dicing blade

is selected specifically for our mask design and substrate type used in device

fabrication. Blade with 25–35 µm kerf width which is thickness of the slot on the

sample after dicing process is used in order to increase production yield of Hall devices.

However, it is observed that after prolonged usage, kerf width becomes thicker (up to

70 µ, after 15–20 usage)

Dicing step starts with spin coating of the sample with AZ 5214E photoresist in

order to protect devices from debris arising during cutting process and the sample is

baked at 80° C on a hot plate to harden photoresist. Process parameters of dicing were

same for both GHP and Bismuth Hall probe except feed speed. Feed speed for GaAs

substrate has to be as much as slow and it was set 0.1 mm/ sn in order to decrease

chipping defects whereas feed speed was set to 1 mm/s for SiO2/Si substrate. The Figure

4.18 shows diced Bismuth Hall sensor fabricated on GaAs substrate.

(a) (b)

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Figure 4.18: Diced Bismuth Hall sensor fabricated on GaAs substrate

After dicing, resistance of each sensor is measured individually by using

multimeter in the probe station (Cascade Microtech PM5 Probe Station). Then, sensors

with resistance in the range of kΩ are selected and glued on top of QTF as is mentioned

previously. Next, electrical connections from sensor to PCB are provided by Kulicke

and Soffa wire bonder. .Though it provides both ball and wedge bonding, wedge

bonding is performed to take electrical connections from contact pads of Hall sensor to

the pads of PCB with 25 µm Au gold wire. The SEM image of diced and bonded

Bismuth Hall sensor is given in Figure 4.19.

Figure 4.19: The SEM image of diced and bonded Bismuth Hall sensor.

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5.1 Introduction

Scanning hall probe microscopy (SHPM) belongs to scanning probe microscope

(SPM) family, which provides quantitative and non–invasive local magnetic field

imaging of magnetic and superconducting materials 54

. It provides high magnetic field

and spatial resolution, simultaneously with the topography of the sample surface 55, 9


The most important element of SHPM is the Hall sensor which is sensitive to the

perpendicular component of the magnetic field on the specimen. Hall sensors can be

fabricated from various materials such as GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructure, Bi, InSb and

graphene. GaAs/AlGaAs two–dimensional electron gas heterostructure is one of the

most popular materials for Hall probe production. Even though it has high mobility

which increases Hall coefficient, the minimum cross size is limited with this sensor

because of surface depletion effect, which results in low spatial resolution 56

. It is

reported that GaAs/AlGaAs Hall sensor with 250 nm cross sized fabricated by

implementing EBL has very high resistance which does not allow driving current at

room temperature 57

. In Bismuth Hall probes, the spatial resolution was decreased up to

50 nm, on the other hand minimum detectable magnetic field was increased due to low

mobility of Bismuth film 9. In order to overcome this problem, InSb has been used as

sensing element. It has high mobility (55,500 cm2/ Vs) at room temperature and low

carrier concentration. It was reported that minimum detectable magnetic field was 6–10

mG/ at 50 µA drive current in InSb Hall sensor with a size of 1.5 µm


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After the discovery of high mobility in graphene, it is also considered to be a good

candidate for Hall probe material 58, 59

. It has been demonstrated that minimum

detectable magnetic field (Bmin)of epitaxial graphene Hall sensors was 3.9 µT

which is better than with same sized InSb and CVD graphene Hall sensors. In table 5.1,

some of data taken from InSb, epitaxial graphene and CVD graphene sensors are given

for 5.0 µm Hall cross sized 7. They also demonstrated size dependency of Bmin and Hall

coefficient (RH) for epitaxial graphene Hall sensor and according to their results, Bmin

increases exponentially with descending cross size for the same driven current applied

(IBias=10 µA).

Table 5.1: Summary of data measured from InSb, epitaxial graphene and CVD graphene

sensor for 5 µm Hall cross size 7.

InSb Device


Graphene Device

CVD Graphene


R (kΩ) 12 22 100

RH (Ω/T) 974 711 310

µe (cm2/Vs) 8322 2643 –

Bmin (µT ) 6.5

(IBias=10 µA)


(IBias=10 µA)


(IBias=3 µA)


(nV/ )


(IBias=0 µA)


(IBias=0 µA)

Materials used in Hall sensor fabrication are selected according to its electronic

properties and ease to manufacture. For example; material having low carrier density

results in obtaining higher Hall coefficient and thereby provides better field sensitivity.

In graphene, carrier concentration decreases as Fermi level of graphene is brought to

closer Dirac point by applying gate voltage. Tang et. al produced 5 µm sized Hall

probes from CVD graphene and showed that Hall coefficient initially decreases when

gate voltage is very close to Dirac point , then it starts to increase when it is moved

away from Dirac point 60

. Therefore, as in the other areas, it has been a promising

material for Hall probes in SHPM applications thanks to its commensurable

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characteristics to conventional Hall Probes. However, utilization of GHP for magnetic

imaging has not been shown in the literature yet.

In this chapter, we represent fabrication, characterization and performance of

graphene based micro–Hall devices for Low Temperature Scanning Hall Probe

Microscopy (LT–SHPM). Graphene produced by CVD method was preferred in order

to increase the production yield of the fabricated Hall sensors. In this work, for the first

time, we used GHP integrated with QTF for imaging localized magnetic field of NdFeB

in a wide temperature range of 3–300K. This study is published as “Single Layer

Graphene Hall Sensors for Scanning Hall Probe Microscopy (SHPM) in 3−300 K

Temperature Range” S. Sonusen, O. Karci, M. Dede, S. Aksoy, and A. Oral, Applied

Surface Science 308, 414–418 (2014) 61


5.2 Mechanic and Electronic Properties of Graphene

Graphene is a mono layer of sp² bonded carbon atoms packed into a two–

dimensional (2D) honeycomb lattice. In graphene, zero band gap semiconductors also

known as semi–metal, conduction and valance bands meet at a point called as Dirac

point in which density of states is zero in an ideal graphene (Figure 5.1) 62

. Furthermore,

in graphene both electrons and holes have a linear energy–momentum relationship and

it is given by 63



In this equation, Vf is Fermi velocity which is approximately 1.106

m/s (Vf ≅ c/300) and

positive sign represents electrons in this equation whereas negative sign corresponds to

holes 64

. This linear energy–momentum dispersion relation enables us to describe

charge carriers in graphene as massless Dirac fermions 65


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Figure 5.1: The energy dispersion of graphene and the Dirac cone 62


One of the most striking properties of graphene is that it has very high carrier

mobility even at room temperature due to zero effective mass of its charge carriers 66


This property makes graphene promising material for electronic devices such as field

effect transistor (FET) 67

. It was reported that mobility of mechanically exfoliated

graphene on top of SiO2 is mostly over 10,000 cm2 V

−1 s

−1 at room temperature, while

mobility of suspended graphene exceeded 200,000 cm2 V

−1 s

−1 at low temperature

68 ,69,

58. Moreover, owing to high carrier mobility together with linear energy–momentum

dispersion relationship, graphene permits for observation of quantum hall effect under

high magnetic fields 62,


Graphene consists of carbon atoms arranged in a hexagonal pattern and each

carbon atom has 4 valence electrons 70

. Three of these valance electrons form covalent

bonds with its nearest neighbours and the forth electron is delocalized which makes

graphene conducts electricity 70, 71

. Graphene sheets are hold together by weak van der

Waals force and distance between two neighbour sheets is between 3.35 Å and 3.4 Å 72


On the other hand, bond length for two carbons in plane is about 1.42 Å and this strong

σ bonds allows graphene to exhibit superior mechanical properties 71

. It is very strong

material with high Young Modulus. It was reported that Young’s modulus of single

layer suspended graphene is 0.5 TPa whereas it is 1 TPa for graphite 73


5.3 Graphene Fabrication Methods

Since it was known that two dimensional crystals were thermodynamically

unstable, it was believed that graphene didn't exist in the free state 6. However, graphene

was first prepared via mechanical exfoliation of graphite crystals by Professor Andre

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Geim's research group at the University of Manchester 58

. It has recently attracted

attention of the research communities, because not only graphene has unique electrical

and mechanical properties, but also the thinnest material ever fabricated

Graphene can be produced by various methods such as; mechanical exfoliation

also known as mechanical cleavage, CVD, epitaxial growth, anodic bonding dry

exfoliation and chemical synthesis 74

. In this study, mechanical exfoliation and CVD

techniques are used.

The most popular and easiest way to produce graphene is mechanical exfoliation.

It is basically repeated peeling of bulk graphite. Different sizes of graphite used during

exfoliation process. However, it is observed that large–scale graphene is obtained with

3–10 mm sized graphite flake supplied by NGS Naturegraphit (India origin). Once

graphite is peeled by using scotch tape, it is transferred to 285–300 nm dry chlorinated

thermally grown SiO2 on top of 500–550 µm thick Si pieces by using tweezers (Figure

5.2). Figure 5.2 (d) presents graphene sheets produced by this method.

Single Layer Multi Layer

(a) (b) (c)


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Figure 5.2: (a), (b) and (c) Graphene fabrication steps and (d) single and multi

layer graphene sheets produced by this method.

Mechanical cleavage method is not only the simplest and cheapest way among the

existing methods of graphene production, but also it provides obtaining graphene films

with high mobility even at room temperature 75

. However, large area single crystal

graphene is particularly desired for graphene based devices in order to increase yield of

fabrication and this has led to development of different methods. One of them is CVD

which is a promising method for production of continuous graphene film in large area.

In CVD method, hydrocarbon gases such as methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2) or

ethylene (C2H4) used as carbon source are introduced to quartz tube, either in vacuum or

ambient condition, located in a furnace 76

. A transition metal such as copper, nickel or

platinum is used as catalyst. When temperature is around 900°C–1100°C, hydrocarbon

gases are decomposed on metal substrate, which results in formation of graphene

lattice on metal susbtrate 77

. Once graphene is formed on the metal, graphene/metal

surface is covered by protactive layer (polymer). Then, the metal is etched using

different etcher according to metal type. Next, floating graphene is transferred to desired

substrate such as SiO2/Si, glass or polymeric surface 78

. Finally, protective and

supportive resist layer is removed from the substrate by a suitable solvent 77

. Although

Cu and Ni substrate is widely used as metal substrate in CVD technique, Pt allows

obtaining larger single crystal grain size than graphene grown on Cu. We used Pt as

metal substrate. Experimental details of graphene growth on Pt and results will be

discussed in the subsequent chapter.

Another widely used technique for large scale graphene production is epitaxial

growth on silicon carbide 79

. This method includes two steps. For the first step, SiC has

to be etched by hydrogen gas in order to prepare suitable SiC surface by removing

scratches for epitaxial growth 80

. In this process, cleaned SiC samples are annealed in a

chamber with %5 H2 and %95 Ar gas flow. For the second step, SiC is heated in

ultrahigh vacuum to temperatures around 1250–1350°C in order to sublimate Si and this

results in formation of carbon rich surface 81


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5.4 Characterization Methods of Graphene

Distinguishing mono–layer and multilayer graphene, determining thickness, size

and electronic properties of graphene film play very important role in fabrication of

graphene based devices and their performance. There are several methods for electrical,

surface morphology, optical characterization of graphene sheet such as low–energy

electron diffraction (LEED), photon–electron spectroscopy, transmission electron

microscope (TEM), Raman spectroscopy, optical microscopy, AFM and SEM. Among

them, optical microscope is the simplest and nondestructive characterization tool. It is

particularly practical for graphene films produced via mechanical exfoliation method in

order to identify mono–layer and to locate graphene region for further measurement

since initially entire substrate surface is scanned. Optical contrast provides to

distinguish single and multi layer of graphene by naked eye under optical microscope.

Blake et al. reported contrast dependency of graphene with respect to SiO2 thickness

and wavelength of light (Figure 5.3) by Fresnel diffraction law 82

. According to their

result, contrast can be maximized by selecting specific SiO2 thickness and using suitable

filtering. Besides, the best visibility of graphene film on 280–300 nm SiO2 thickness is

provided by green light illumination as seen from Figure 5.3 82


Figure 5.3: Optical contrast variation of graphene with changes in SiO2 thickness

and of wavelength of light 82


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Even though optical microscope is the easiest way, it is not quantitative method.

Raman spectroscopy is a powerful technique which provides quantitative and sensitive

measurements for graphene characterization. By using Raman spectrum, number of

graphene layers, defects and edge arrangement of graphene can be determined 83, 84

. In

Raman spectroscopy measurements, intense monochromatic light is produced by laser

to illuminates specimen and when a light interact with material, inelastic (Rayleigh) or

elastic (Raman) light scattering occur 85

. In inelastic scattering, frequency of a few

amounts of incoming photons may alter, after scattering. This shift is generally

associated with vibration frequency of the molecule and it results from absorption or

emission energy from the molecule 86, 87


There are two main peaks, G and 2D, in carbon based materials. Single and multi–

layer graphene are distinguished according to their intensities and shape of the peaks. In

single layer graphene, sharp and narrow 2D peak which appears at around 2700 cm-1


more intense than G peak which is 1580 cm-1

and this situation vice versa in graphite 83


In addition, D peak arises at 1350 cm-1

when there are defects on the film 83


Furthermore, Raman mapping gives information about uniformity of graphene over film

surface. Last but not the least, Raman spectrum of monolayer graphene can be well

distinguished also intensity ratio of I2D/IG . If this ratio is equal or bigger than 2, it refers

to presence of single layer graphene while I2D/IG decreases with increasing number of

graphene layer 88


AFM is another quantitative method for graphene characterization which provides

exact thickness of films even though it is slightly slow when it is compared to Raman

spectroscopy and optical microscope. Even though interplanar spacing of graphene film

is 0.34 nm, thickness of graphene is measured by AFM greater than this value due to

species like nitrogen, oxygen, or water molecule between graphene layer and SiO2

surface in air 89


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Figure 5.4 shows characterization results of graphene sheets produced via

mechanical exfoliation method. It is clearly seen from optical microscope image, region

marked as 1 is single layer graphene while region 2 is multilayer graphene sheet (Figure

5.4 (a)). During this study, Raman spectroscopy revealed these results. Raman spectrum

and mapping are taken from Renishaw inVia Reflex Raman Microscope and

Spectrometer with 532 nm laser excitation. Finally, Figure 5.4 (d) shows AFM

(supplied by NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd) measuremens of the single layer

graphene. As it is expected, thickness of graphene sheet is more than 0.34 nm since

measurement is performed in air condition. Scanning is employed by AFM tapping

mode with 5 µ/s .

Figure 5.4: (a) Optical microscope image of graphene sheets produced via

mechanical exfoliation method. Raman spectrum of (b) single and (c) multi layer

graphene film. (d) AFM topography of single layer graphene sheet.

5.5 Graphene Hall Sensor

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5.5.1 Fabrication of GHP

Throughout this work, graphene produced by both mechanical exfoliation and

CVD growth method are used for fabrication of graphene Hall sensor. In the earlier

stage of this study, mechanical exfoliated graphene is used for device fabrication.

Optical microscope images of each step are given in Figure 5.5. Process flow of

fabrication as follows:

1. Once graphene to be fabricated is determined, pattern consists of contact

pads and markers are defined for EBL step by implementing image

reversal photolithography and lift–off process (Figure 5.5(a)).

2. The sample is spin–coated with 950 K PMMA–C2 at 6,000 rpm (45 s) and

baked at 180° C for 5 minutes before HSQ coating as protective layer.

Because, it is difficult to remove HSQ from graphene surface after e–beam

and oxygen plasma process.HSQ is baked with two steps: first, it is baked

at 150° C for 2 min subsequently, at 220° C for 5 min.

3. The sample exposed to 300 µC/cm2 dose at 30 kV for Hall cross definition

by using NPGS system and exposed sample is developed with AZ 726

MIF for 70 s.

4. PMMA and graphene layers are etched by oxygen plasma and the sample

is dipped in ACE to remove both HSQ and PMMA layers.

5. Metal pads between graphene Hall cross and contact pads are defined by

EBL and metal evaporation (3nm Cr/ 30 nm Au).

6. Mesa of the sensor is patterned by positive photolithography and etched by

SF6/O2 plasma.

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Figure 5.5: The optical microscope images of (a) mechanical exfoliated graphene (b)

after contact pad metallization, (c) O2 plasma etching of graphene (d) taking contact

from graphene to contact pads by implementing EBL and (e) mesa step formation.

Although graphene produced by mechanical cleavage method has superior

electronic properties than CVD growth graphene, in each time only one sensor can be

manufactured due to small sized graphene flake. Fabrication yield was increased by

using large area graphene. For this purpose, Graphene Hall probes have been fabricated

using commercially available 1×1 cm CVD single layer graphene on 285 nm SiO2/Si

wafers supplied by Graphene Supermarket. Approximately, 50 individual chips were

successfully fabricated by using this size of graphene covered substrate. Fabrication

process flow is described as following:

1. Fabrication starts with positive photolithography in order to define Hall

cross patterns which were protected by photoresist (Figure 5.6 (a)). This

was followed by oxygen gas plasma RIE (20 sccm O2 flow, in a 100 W

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RIE power, 37.5 mTorr, for 9 s) in order to etch the unprotected parts of

CVD–graphene sheet. Next, the sample is immersed into ACE to remove

photoresist. Figure 5.6 (b) presents patterned graphene.

Figure 5.6: The optical microscope images of after (a) Hall cross definition by

implementing positive photolithography and (b) after O2 plasma process and

removing photoresist.

2. Entire surface of purchased 1 cm × 1 cm substrate is covered by graphene.

Although it is an advantage for high yield fabrication, it can cause

adhesion problem after metal evaporation. To prevent this, mask pattern

normally utilized for recess etch process is used in order to etch graphene

region to be used for wire bonding process. Optical microscope image of

the developed sample with AZ 726MIF after positive photolithography by

using recess mask pattern is given in Figure 5.7 (a). This step plays crucial

role in bonding. Because, if organic residue left under metal structure, it

can cause peeling off contact pads from the surface during wire bonding


3. Optical lithography was used to pattern for contact pads on graphene, and

it was followed by thermal evaporation of 10 nm Cr/200 nm Au

evaporation and lift–off (Figure 5.7 (b)).

(a) (b)

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Figure 5.7: The optical microscope images (a) of the developed sample with AZ

726MIF after positive photolithography by using recess mask pattern (b) after

contact pads metallization.

4. The mesa which serves as AFM tip was obtained by etching SiO2/Si wafer

∼830 nm in an inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching (ICP–

RIE) system (Figure 5.8 (a)). The dry etching parameters are given in

previous chapter.

5. GHP patterns on the wafer were diced into individual chips and glued

with low temperature epoxy on one of the tines of the QTF which is used

as a force sensor in a wide temperature range. Next, QTF was glued to the

ceramic plate on non–magnetic PCB and electrical connections of GHP to

PCB were established with 25 μm gold wires using wedge wire bonder

(Figure 5.8 (b)).

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

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Figure 5.8: Optical microscope images of GHP. (a) After mesa formation by

etching 830 nm SiO2/Si layer. (b) Side view of Hall sensor glued on 1 × 1 cm


5.5.2 Characterization of GHP

Optical microscope is the simplest and quickest way for graphene

characterization. It is particularly important for mechanical exfoliated graphene as

scanning graphene sheet is initially done with it. Nowadays, it is very reliable tool

which distinguish mono and multilayer graphene accurately for all production methods.

Optical microscope is almost used in each step of Hall sensor fabrication from CVD

growth graphene film to understand how process proceeds. On the other hand, Raman

spectrum which provides obtaining quantitative measurements determines the number

of graphene layers and uniformity of graphene thickness over the GHP surface. Before

the fabrication we have checked graphene substrate not only by using optical

microscope but also Raman spectrum (Figure 5.9). After fabrication is completed

Raman spectrum of the center of Hall Cross which is shown on bottom right of Figure

5.10 verifies that the GHP was fabricated from single layer graphene and the left of this

figure shows optical microscope image of fabricated sensor. Moreover, it was reported

that I2D/IG ≥ 2 is associated with the presence of monolayer graphene 90

. In top right of

Figure 5.10, large scale (14×14 μm) Raman map of intensity ratio gives further


50 µ

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Figure 5.9: (a) The optical microscope images of as received CVD growth graphene on

285 nm SiO2/Si wafers. (b) The Raman spectrum of as received CVD growth graphene

from different three points.

Figure 5.10: Optical microscope image of GHP (left).Raman map of (I2D/IG ≥ 2)

intensity ratio measured in a 14 µm × 14 µm area of GHP (right–top). Single Raman

spectrum taken from center of the GHP (right–bottom).

Electrical and magnetic characterization of GHP was performed in Helium

exchange gas and vacuum conditions by using LT–SHPM initially at room temperature.

Graphene exhibits p–type behavior due to environmental effects and water absorption

when it is exposed to air and resist residues from fabrication process 91, 92, 93, 94

. This

results in a high charge carrier density and low Hall coefficient. Thereby, we tried to

overcome this problem by performing magnetic imaging and characterization in vacuum

condition as we did not have a back gate contact. Most of the experimental data for

electrical characterization is performed in NanoMagnetics Instruments Ltd by using

cryostat supplied by Cryogenic Limited. All experimental results, which will be

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presented following parts, belong to a specific GHP which has been utilized for

magnetic imaging. A uniform external magnetic field (Bext) was applied to GHP up to

5,000 G and the generated Hall voltage (VHall) was simultaneously measured under

constant driving current. Figure 5.11 shows the linear relationship

between VHall and Bext for a 2 μA driving current at room temperature.

Figure 5.11: Hall voltage response of GHP to applied magnetic field at room


Room temperature series resistance and Hall coefficient of GHP were measured to

be 82.20 kΩ and 0.18 Ω/G respectively in vacuum condition for 3 µA drive current. A

spectrum analyzer was used to obtain a noise spectrum of the single layer graphene Hall

probe. We determined minimum detectable magnetic field (B min) from voltage noise

spectrum, which is defined as equation:


where VNoise, RH, IH and G are the total measured voltage noise, Hall coefficient, Hall

current, and Hall probe pre–amplifier gain respectively 95

. The Hall probe pre–amplifier

gain was 1001 for the system used in this experiment. Figure 5 (a) represents Bmin as a

function of frequency for different Hall currents in zero magnetic field and zero back

gate voltage 96



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In this equation, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is temperature, Rs is the resistance

of the sensor and Δf is measurement bandwidth 96


Figure 5.12: (a) Bmin for different drive current as a function of frequency at 300

K. (b) Bmin for different temperature as a function of frequency for 5 µA Hall current

The graphs in Figure 5.13 (a), (b) and (c) compare the Bmin in vacuum and in

exchange gas (He) for different current values. As seen from these graphs, for 1 µA and

2 µA current values, Bmin is slightly better than in exchange gas condition whereas Bmin

for 3 µA driving current in vacuum condition can detect clearly smaller magnetic field

which provides better magnetic field resolution. Temperature characterization of GHP is

performed in exchange gas by Teslatron PT cryostat located in SUNUM. The variation

of serial resistance of two arms of Hall crosses as a function of temperature has been

shown in Figure 5.13 (d). As seen from this figure, resistance is decreasing with

increasing temperature. This result is consistent with previous work 97


(a) (b)

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Figure 5.13: Comparison of Bmin in vacuum and in Helium exchange gas for

different current values. (d) Serial resistance of two arms of Hall crosses as a function of


Temperature dependency of RH is also investigated. For this purpose, 2 T external

magnetic fields and ±2 µA driving current are applied to GHP in exchange gas.

Generated VHall out is measured by SPM electronic unit and software. RH is calculated

for different temperature ranging from 1.5 K to300K. As is seen from graphs in Figure

5.14, RHall is slightly increased by increasing temperature. After 100 K it is almost

constant with increasing temperature and current with positive polarity cause obtaining

slightly higher RHall.

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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Figure 5.14: The variations of RHall as a function of temperature for ± 2 µA driving


5.5.2 Imaging NdFeB Demagnetized Magnet by GHP

We operated a LT–SHPM system manufactured by NanoMagnetics Instruments

Ltd. in AFM tracking mode, in order to acquire topography and magnetic image of a

NdFeB demagnetized magnet surface in a wide range of temperature (3–300K).

Resonance frequency of QTF used in this experiment was around 31.9 kHz when one

prong is free and the other is fixed to the ceramic plate on top of sensor holder PCB.

After GHP was glued on top of QTF, this resonance frequency decreased to

approximately 17 kHz due to mass of chip and glue (Figure 516).

(a) (b)

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Figure 5.15: Measured resonance frequency at 300 K (a) before and (b) after GHP

was glued on QTF.

The sample is tilted ~1o

with respect to GHP to ensure that the corner of Hall

sensor mesa is the closest point to the sample surface, which is used as an AFM tip. The

sample was brought in to close proximity of GHP by means of slip–stick coarse

approach mechanism. The tip–sample interaction results in a shift in resonance

frequency of the QTF which is measured by a PLL for AFM feedback 45

. Figures 5.16

(a) and (c) show the SHPM images of magnetic domains of NdFeB demagnetized

magnet at room temperature. The magnetic field variations along a horizontal line of

these images are also shown in Figure 5.16 (b) and (d). The scan parameters are 5 µm/s

scan speed, 50 µm × 50 µm scan area (Figure 5.16 (a)) and 40 µm × 40 µm scan area

(Figure 5.16 (c)) , 512 pixels × 512 pixels resolution and 2 µA drive current for

measured 0.22 Ω/G RH.



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Figure 5.16: (a) and (c) magnetic images of NdFeB demagnetized magnet by

using GHP at 300 K. (b) and (d) magnetic field variations along the line drawn on


We have also investigated the performance of GHP at cryogenic temperatures.

Surface topography and magnetic image of NdFeB sample for IHall= 2 µA at 126 K are

shown in Figure 5.17 (a) and (b), respectively. Figure 5.17 (c) and 5.17 (d) show the

SHPM image of the same sample at 3 K for IHall= 2 µA and IHall = –2 µA.

Figure 5.17: (a) Topographic image of NdFeB. (b) 50 µm × 50µm LT–SHPM

magnetic image of NdFeB at 126 K. 14x14 µm LT–SHPM magnetic image of the same

sample for (c) IHall = +2 µA (d) IHall = –2 µA at 3 K.

5.6 Conclusion and Discussion

In this work, Graphene Hall sensor produced, fabricated, characterized and used

for magnetic imaging. Initially, mechanical exfoliated graphene is used for fabrication.

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Because not only has it high mobility, but also it is very easy to produce. Even though

mechanically exfoliated graphene provides superior properties than CVD in terms of

both mechanically and electronically, fabrication yield is very low with this method. We

manufacture a few of Hall sensors produced via mechanical cleavage method. Due to

the contact problems arising from several reasons (residual resist between contact pads

and patterned graphene or fabrication process issues), resistance of Hall cross was

measured drastically high around MΩ order. Therefore, we preferred to use CVD

growth graphene which provides large scale graphene film and high yield production.

Raman spectroscopy and optical microscopy is used for characterization of the

sensor during manufacturing process. Raman spectrum results show as received CVD

samples are graphene monolayer. However, on the surface of the graphene film (without

employing any process) there are discontinuities and bilayer or multilayer graphene

islands. White areas in SEM image of as received CVD graphene sheet show cracks on

the films (Figure 5.18). Submicron sized cracks cannot be seen in optical microscope

which cause electrical contact problem. Another problem is that there are a lot of

Bismuth or multilayer graphene islands which is marked as red circles in the same

figure. These multilayer graphene regions result from impurities on copper metal which

act as nucleation sites 98

. Since activation energy is higher on impurities, carbon atoms

dissolve more on these regions and cause forming multilayer graphene regions 99


Film discontinuity

Multiple layer



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Figure 5.18: SEM image of as received CVD graphene sheet which shows cracks and

discontinuity on the graphene film surface.

Once fabrication is completed, electrical characterization for different condition is

done by using the SHPM. Voltage noise spectrum which limits Bmin is measured by

spectrum analyzer. Effect of temperature and driving current on Bmin is investigated.

According to magnetic flux noise spectrum results Bmin decreases with increasing drive

current and it is found to be 0.20 G/ for a 3 µA drive current at 1 kHz (Figure 5.12

(a)). We also measured the magnetic field noise of GHP at 5 K, 77 K and 300 K for

IH =5 µA and calculated Johnson noise levels for each temperature for the same current

value. Smaller magnetic fields can be detected at lower temperatures by GHP, as shown

in Figure 5.12 (b). Furthermore, serial resistances of Hall sensor change between 60–80

kΩ depending on temperature.

We have successfully used the Graphene Hall Probes for magnetic imaging in 3–

300 K range for the first time in SHPM. This study has demonstrated that graphene is an

alternative material to be used for magnetic imaging. Additionally, it is also possible to

decrease Hall cross dimensions to a few tens of nanometer by employing electron beam

lithography, so that spatial resolution of the sensor can potentially reach sub–100 nm

resolution. Currently, we are working on the improvement of our results by reducing

Hall cross area and removing residues arising from the fabrication process for both

higher magnetic field and spatial resolution.

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6.1 Introduction

As a pentavalent metal, Bismuth has attracted much attention of researchers in

sensing applications due to its remarkable electrical properties arising from its

anisotropic Fermi level in surface, relatively large mean free path in the order of

microns and small effective mass 100, 101, 102

. The exact equal number of free electrons

and holes on the surface, along with a low scattering rate gives rise to the

magnetoresistance, which is known to be very high in semi–metals 103

. In addition to its

electrical and magnetic properties, Bismuth has an extremely low melting point of

271.3º C and its thermal conductivity is one of the lowest among the metals 104


The most important element of an SHPM is the Hall sensor that is sensitive to

perpendicular component of the magnetic field on surface of sample. This part can be

fabricated by various materials. However, to achieve a high magnetic resolution,

materials with high carrier mobility and low carrier density are preferred to help

maximize the Hall coefficient and signal to noise ratio. On the other hand, size of the

active area is the key factor that determines spatial resolution of microscope 2. As being

a semimetal with a concentration of five orders of magnitude lower than metals and

with negligible surface charge depletion effect, Bismuth is an alternative material for

Hall probe in the area of magnetic field sensing elements 9.

The first study of Bismuth thin film as Hall sensor was carried out by Broom et

al. in 1962 where they scanned 1,000 or 2,000 Å thick 15 mm x15 mm superconducting

thin and lead films using 100 µm Hall cross. By placing the probe 0.05 mm away from

film surfaces, a current of 2 mA was applied through the probe producing a Hall voltage

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of 0.6 μV/G at liquid Helium temperatures. The thermal noise was measured as ± 0.1 G

and the resolutions were 0.2 and 0.25 mm, respectively 105


The smallest fabricated Bismuth hall probe so far was reported in 2004 by Sandhu

et al., where nano–sized Bismuth sensor was used in a room temperature SHPM, and

images of magnetic domains of low coercivity garnet thin film samples were recorded 9.

This 50x50nm nano–Bismuth hall probe fabricated by optical lithography and focused

ion beam milling were 60 nm in thickness and was located about 4 μm away from the

tip yielded a noise level of 0.85 G/ . The logic behind employing FIB technique in

here was to assure thicker hall crosses that allowed lower resistance values and hence

less Johnson noise. Room temperature Hall coefficients of nano–Bismuth hall probes

were measured as 4.0 x10-4

Ω/G. Feasibility of nano–Bismuth hall probes were tested

on a 5 mm thick crystalline Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film. Images were

obtained with a drive current of 43 µA and at a tilt angle of 1.2° by measuring the

changes in Hall voltages coming from stray magnetic fields. The SEM image of

fabricate Hall sensor and magnetic imaging of iron garnet thin film taken by fabricated

50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor at room temperature are given in Figure 6.1.

Figure 6.1: The SEM images of 50nm × 50nm nano-Bismuth hall probe. SHPM

image of crystalline Bismuth substituted iron garnet thin film taken by fabricated 50 nm

Bismuth Hall sensor at room temperature.

By considering the studies mentioned above, the scope of this chapter is to

enhance the spatial resolution of SHPM images by employing Bismuth hall sensors and


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to observe its behavior at low temperatures. In this context, present chapter describes

optimized fabrication process of Bismuth Hall sensor for SHPM applications in detail

by covering all the fabrication steps, problems raised throughout the process and

solutions developed. We have fabricated Hall crosses in three different sizes of 100 nm,

200 nm and 500 nm, respectively. Along with imaging of NdFeB demagnetized magnet

using these sensors, temperature characterization was also carried out. Since the spatial

resolution is directly proportional to cross size, we reduced the size of the probe

fabricated was to 100 nm and gathered successful images at 300 K. To our knowledge,

this study was the first reported imaging at low temperature using Bismuth hall sensor.

6.2 Bismuth Hall Sensor

6.2.1 Fabrication of Bismuth Hall Sensor

Two different optical mask pattern designs are used in the fabrication of Bismuth

Hall sensors. One of them has 30 µm × 50 µm active area with asymmetric contact pads

whereas the other design has 10 µm × 10 µm areas with symmetrically ordered pads

(Figure 6.2). To reduce area shortens exposing time while EBL is employed. It is

particularly important when NPGS system is used since it works with low current


Figure 6.2: The optical microscope image of (a) symmetric (b) asymmetric ohmic

contacts after 10 nm Cr and 100 nm Au evaporation and lift–off process.

20µ 20µ (a) (b)

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Many problems have been encountered during fabrication process of Bismuth

Hall sensor. Some of them with their solutions are discussed previously in Chapter 5.

Optimized process recipe is given as following:

1. Fabrication of Bismuth Hall sensor starts with wafer cutting into 1.2 cm ×

1.2 cm pieces. Then, pieces are cleaned by standard cleaning procedure as

mentioned previous chapter.

2. After spin coating with AZ 5214E (4,000 rpm for 40 s), the sample is

baked 105 ° C for 1 minute. Positive optical lithography is implemented

by using recess etch mask with zigzag shapes for 2 s illumination by using

Midas mask aligner. Then, the sample is developed with AZ 726 MIF and

washed by DI water. Hard bake is done at 120 ° C for 2 minutes on a hot

plate and the sample is etched in HCl:H2O2:H2O solution at volume ratios

of 4:7:55 for 90 s which provides around 1.5 µm etch thickness (Figure


3. Contact pads are defined by image reversal recipe. First, the sample is

spun at 6,000 rpm for 45 s. Then, it is baked at 90 ° C for 2 minutes

(prebake). The sample is illuminated for 2 s by Midas mask aligner and

post bake is done at 115° C for 2 minutes on a hot plate. Flood exposure

(without mask) is employed for 11.6 s and the sample is developed with

AZ 726 MIF for 25 s. Next, 10 nm Cr and 100 nm Au layer is evaporated

by spin coater and lift off process is performed by immersing the sample

in ACE solution (Figure 6.2).

4. Once contact pads are defined, oxygen plasma etching is performed to the

samples in order to etch resist residue left from optical lithography steps.

The oxygen plasma parameters are 20 sccm O2 flow, in a 100 W RIE

power, 37.5 mTorr pressure for 5 minutes. Then, bi–layer resist recipe is

used (First layer is coated with 495 K PMMA–C2 at 5,000 rpm for 50 s

and baked at 180 ° C for 40 minutes. The second layer is spun with 950 K

PMMA–A2 at 4,000 rpm 50 and placed on a hot plate at 180 ° C for 40

minutes.) Patterns are designed by AutoCAD program and inserted in

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Layout BEAMER to convert this design file into a readable format in

Vistec machine and utilize from PEC function of this program. 500μC/cm2

base dose is used to obtain 50 nm Hall cross size (Hall cross area is

exposed with 800 μC/cm2) where specimen current is 180 pA beam

current and step size and resolution are 1 nm. Development is done 1:3

MIBK:IPA solution for 60 s. After the sample is lifted–off and 3 nm

chromium and 30 nm Bismuth are thermally evaporated. Figure 6.3 shows

SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall cross at different magnifications by

using this recipe.

Figure 6.3: Then SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall cross at different magnifications.

5. After Hall cross definition, the sample is characterized by SEM and

successfully patterned elements are determined and their resistance are

measured by multimeter in the probe station. Patterns that are in a

magnitude of a few kΩ resistances are selected as suitable candidates for

Hall sensor application. However, we sometimes measure drastically high

resistance values around MΩ scale even though SEM images suggest that

Hall cross area are successfully lifted–off. It has been realized that there

occurs a gap between Au contact pads and legs of Bismuth Hall cross. As

a solution, we apply a second EBL process in order to assure that there is a

full contact. Further EBL processes can be required until contact problem

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is completely resolved. Figure 6.4 (a) shows optical microscope images

after the first time EBL is employed for connection problem (b), (c) and

(d) show SEM images after third EBL process applied at different

magnifications and different points of view.

Figure 6.4: (a) The optical microscope images after the first time EBL is

employed for connection problem (b), (c) and (d) show SEM images after third EBL

process applied at different magnifications and different points of view.

1. For mesa step formation, the sample is spun with 950 K PMMA–A2 and

its copolymer MMA (8.5) EL11. Then, EBL is employed with 550 μC/cm2

base dose. Development is performed with 1:3 MIBK:IPA solution for 60

s and post bake is done at 100 ° C on a hot plate. Etching solution is

prepared with H2S4O4:H2O2:H2O at volume ratios of 1:8:40 for 60 s. by

using this recipe around 1.5 µm etch thickness is obtained successfully

(Figure 6.5).

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

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2. The sample is diced by Disco dicer and glued on top of QTF which has

been already attached to PCB. Finally electrical connection is taken by

wedge bonding process with 25 µm gold wire.

Figure 6.5: The SEM images of 50 nm Bismuth Hall sensor after mesa formation.

6.2.2 Characterization of Bismuth Hall Sensor

We carried out electrical characterization of Bismuth Hall probes with different

sized (200 nm and 500 nm) at various temperatures and driving current. The SEM

image of fabricated 500 nm Bismuth Hall sensor is given in Figure 6.6 (a). Room

temperature serial resistance and RH of 500 nm Bismuth Hall sensor are measured as

18.8 kΩ and 3.2 × 10-4

Ω/G respectively. Noise spectrum of fabricated sensors are

measured by spectrum analyzer and converted into magnetic field unit in order to

determine Bmin at different conditions. Figure 6.6 (b), (c) and (d) compare Bmin as a

function of frequency for different driving currents at 300 K, 77 K and 4 K temperature

respectively. The graphs in Figure 6.6 show that Bmin decreases as driving current is

increased for each temperature. This is correlated with theory since Bmin is inversely

proportional with driving current as is shown equation 5.2. Same trend is observed for

200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor by means of relation between Bmin and drive current

(Figure 6.7). Room temperature serial resistance and RH of 200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor

are measured as 13.8 kΩ and 4.2 × 10-4

Ω/G respectively.

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Figure 6.6: (a) The SEM image of 500 nm Bismuth Hall sensor. Bmin as a function

of driving current at different temperature values (b) 300 K (c) 77 K and (d) 4 K.

300 K

77K 4 K


(c) (d)

300 K

77 K 4 K





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Figure 6.7: (a) The SEM image of 200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor. Bmin as a function of

driving current at different temperature values (b) 300 K (c) 77 K and (d) 4 K.

6.2.3 Imaging NdFeB Demagnetized Magnet by Bismuth Hall Sensor

NdFeB demagnetized magnet is scanned with 500 nm, 200 and 100 nm Bismuth

Hall sensors at different temperatures by using QTF AFM feed–back mode. For this

purpose, fabricated Hall sensor is attached to the microscope and NdFeB is tilted around

1o with respect to Hall sensor in order to use mesa corner as AFM tip. Figure 6.8 shows

SHPM images of NdFeB demagnetized magnet at 300 K, 77 K and 4 K for 50 µA

acquired by using 500 nm Bismuth Hall sensor. Resonance frequency and quality factor

of QTF are measured as 10,170 Hz and 80 at room temperature. Δf is set to 10 Hz

during scan. The scan areas of images are 30 µm × 30 µm for 300 K and 77 K whereas

it is set to 20 µm × 20 µm for 4 K.

T =300 K I = 50 µA T =300 K I = - 50 µA

T =77 K I = 50 µAT =4 K I = 50 µA

(a) (b)


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Figure 6.8: SHPM images of NdFeB demagnetized magnet at (a) 300 K, (b) 77 K, (c) 4

K taken by using 500nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 50 µA driving current and at

(d) 4 K for –50 µA driving current.

Figure 6.9 shows magnetic image and cross sections taken from the same image

of NdFeB demagnetized magnetic sample at room temperature by using Bismuth Hall

sensor with 200 nm cross sized. The sample is tilted 1.25o in this scan and room

temperature serial resistance of the sensor is measured as 13.86 kΩ. Topography and

SHPM image (30 µm × 30 µm scan area) of NdFeB sample at 77 K are given in Figure


Figure 6.9: SHPM images of Nd,FeB demagnetized magnet at 300 K (left) by using 200

nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current and graph of cross sections

(right top and bottom).

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Figure 6.10: (a) Topography and (b) SHPM image of NdFeB sample at 77 K by using

200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current.

Magnetic image of NdFeB with scan area 20 µm × 20 µm at 4 K is also obtained

by using 200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor (Figure 6.11). Serial resistance of the probe at 4

K is measured as 13.86 kΩ.

Figure 6.11: (a) Topography and (b) SHPM image of NdFeB sample at 4 K by using

200 nm Bismuth Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current.

Finally, fabricated 100 nm Bismuth Hall sensor which has 13.86 kΩ series

resistance are used for magnetic imaging of NdFeB demagnetized magnet at room

temperature (Figure 6.12).

(a) (b)

(a) (b)

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Figure 6.12: (a) SHPM image of NdFeB sample at 300 K by using 100 nm Bismuth

Hall sensor for 500 µA drive current.(b) Magnetic field variations along the line

drawn on images.

5.2 Conclusion

In this chapter, fabrication, electrical characterization and temperature dependency

of Bismuth Hall sensor is explained in detail. Hall crosses with 100 nm, 200 nm and

500 nm in sizes were fabricated and SHPM images of NdFeB demagnetized magnet

were recorded using these sensors with QTF AFM feedback mode. Bmin as a function of

frequency is deduced from voltage noise spectrum for different temperatures and

various driving currents. The smallest Hall sensor used in SHPM was 100 nm. We

could obtain magnetic imagining with this Hall sensor only at room temperature.

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There are two novel outcome of this thesis. The first one is that GHP was used in

SHPM application for the first time. Although GHP is very well characterized in the

literature in terms of its electrical properties, our study has moved graphene a step

further in its applications. To achieve this, we fabricated GHP by implementing

conventional lithographic techniques. Temperature dependence of electrical

characteristics was determined and an increasing trend in Bmin is observed with

increasing temperature and decreasing driving current. RH of GHP was measured as

0.18 Ω/G for 3 μA Hall current at room temperature in vacuum, whereas Bmin was found

to be 0.20 G/ at 1 kHz. These results show that graphene has become a promising

candidate as Hall sensor material in SHPM application. We have fabricated GHP by

using graphene produced by two different methods; mechanical exfoliation and CVD

growth. However, due to contact problems arising from fabrication process, we could

not obtain expected results using exfoliated graphene. By using CVD graphene we

could overcome this problem. Although CVD graphene increased the sensor production

yield, the noise levels in the sensors were relatively high, as the CVD graphene is

polycrystalline. Electrical properties can be further improved by using large flake,

single crystal graphene with minimal defects. To retain better electrical properties of

CVD graphene, one can use CVD graphene growth on platinum and transferred by

bubbling transfer method.

We have also fabricated Bismuth nano Hall sensors by EBL and lift–off process

and imaged NdFeB demagnetized magnet at wide range temperature range 4–300K. –

During the fabrication of Bismuth Hall sensor, in spite of many difficulties in

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fabrication process, we were successful to fabricate the devices down to 100 nm by

using advanced lithographic techniques and obtained SHPM images. By using EBL, we

were able to reduce Hall cross size down nanometer scale which resulted in obtaining

better spatial resolution of SHPM images. It might be possible to produce Hall probes

with less than 25 nm sizes by using EBL, which might allow obtaining images with

higher spatial resolution.

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